Eric Willis

React Bootstrap Material UI Kit - Free UI Kit built with React, Bootstrap 4 & Material Design

Based on the latest Bootstrap 4 and React 15.6.1. Absolutely no jQuery:

- 400+ material UI elements

- 600+ material icons

- 74 CSS animations

- SASS files

- detailed documentation

- dedicated support forum

- free for personal & commercial use

- fully responsive

- easy to use and customize

..and many more

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Filip Kapusta
Hi PH 👋 Filip from MDB team here, excited to see that MDB React was hunted! Thanks Eric! :D As we all now React is a great library but first of all, it’s a community. Knowing that we decided to reach out to developers and we want to present you another great tool for creating and improving your websites with React, Bootstrap 4 and Material Design. We’re already experienced in providing useful tools for Angular, jQuery and Vue coders but if internet forums don’t lie React is the future. So here’s our response - software that supports creating easy to use and customize design, a kit filled with: 400+ UI elements, 70+ CSS animations, and 600+ icons. All fully responsive and kept in beautiful MD style. Besides that, we’ve prepared tutorials that will guide you step-by-step through all the MDB functionalities. We value the opinion of PH users so we invite you to check it out for free and leave some feedback in comments. If you decide MDB React will fit your needs and you want to discover more possibilities then we have good news! We’re currently working on developing software by creating more components and solutions that will be available in the extended Pro version in the future. So if you want to keep up to date and learn about React Pro version when it’s done we invite you to join the waiting list for Pro version. And now, feel free to check it and let us know what you think! Cheers!
Akshay Kadam(A2K)
Looks good. I don't think you must promote NO JQUERY so much as it is understood if you're using React or any other view library (Preact, Vue) or framework (Angular) then you probably aren't using jQuery. Just my opinion though.
Michal Szymanski
@deadcoder0904 thanks for your opinion. About the jQuery - if you have a look at number of React projects which authors include jQuery dependency, I think you will understand our point of view :) Nevertheless, thank you for your insight and I hope you'll find our project useful.
Akshay Kadam(A2K)
@bfszymanski Don't know about that but its dumb to use 2 things to do the same thing I guess & great job. The buttons are pure gold 😍
Dre Durr💡
Looks Dope 🚬🚬
Filip Kapusta
@dredurr thanks for your opinion! It also works dope 🚬🚬 :P
Gennady Batrakov
Hi, I have positive feedback from my dev team. Already gave my ok to start using it my new app. Will test some more and let you know.
Roby Sharif
Very nicely done! already using the React MDB in one of the apps we're building. Keep up the good work!
We are already starting to master your tool. Thank you
Kayleigh Fisher
This may come in handy.