Kevin William David

Vue Bootstrap Material Design Kit - Free UI Kit built with VueJS, Bootstrap 4 & Material Design

Based on the latest Bootstrap 4 and Vue 2.5.7. Absolutely no jQuery!

400+ material UI elements, 600+ material icons, 74 CSS animations, SASS files and much more. Free for personal and commercial use.

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Great kit! What was the motivation for putting this together? @dawidadach @mtkrawczyk
Michal Szymanski
Thanks! The answer is simple - needs of our users. We run, which connect a few most popular front-end technologies. So far we've integrated Bootstrap, Material Design, jQuery, Angular and React. They all turned out to be a great success, so now it's time for Vue.js. Our frameworks are used by over 400 000 users and big companies like Nike, Amazone or Samsung. I hope you will find it useful as well :)
Hi team, I'm curious on why would a developer use this instead of the relatively well established Vue Material project [1]? Cheers! [1]
Michal Szymanski
Hi Gabriel, there are few main reasons : 1. MDB Vue uses Bootstrap as a foundation. Thanks to that you can take full advantage of Bootstrap power. Bootstrap is still number 1 project on GitHub and its community is huge. When using MDB you can use as well all the solutions offered by Bootstrap community. 2. MDB is not " leisure time project". It's a regular company with dedicated team and support forum. It's used by over 400 000 people and huge companies like Nike, Amazon or Samsung. As far I can see, Vue Material is made and maintained by one person. Because we do a regular business you can be sure that we'll be improving our project all the time and your problems will be addressed immediately. We'll be also always first with the Vue update - because we've got people and resources to do it. Compare the rank of the websites: 3. MDB offers you more components and functionalities. 4. MDB definitely offers better and more professional sass code. 5. MDB offers you plenty of side solutions and integrated tools. I hope I've answered your questions. Best!
Jamie Rytlewski
@bfszymanski I'm confused on the 400,000+ people and when you say Nike, Amazon, or Samsung use it. Where do they use it?
Michal Szymanski
@jamierytlewski each of such a big companies does a lot of side projects and plenty of marketing campaigns, where they need to create a simple landing pages for example. Of course, it doesn't mean they used MDB on their main websites. For that, you definitely need a custom, dedicated solution, not a framework. It means only, that one of the multiple teams of developers / marketers from company like Amazon decided to use for specific purpose / campaign our tool. But still - the invoice is paid by, Inc, Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Filip Kapusta
Hi PH 👋 Filip from MDB team here, great to be acknowledged again! Thanks Kevin! For a long time we were involved mainly in providing tools for jQuery and Angular users. After our last success with MDB React version (thanks ProductHunt!) we decided to open up to the latest and youngest trends in UI technologies. The nature of this world is revolution after revolution after revolution. So here’s ours - MDB Vue 4.0.0. Web design software up-to-date with the latest standards of Bootstrap and all the best it has to offer. 400+ handcrafted, action-ready components that will cut the time of your development process. 70+ attention grabbing animations to focus your visitors attention on specific elements, 600+ icons and lots of free tutorials prepared to introduce you to MDB Vue essence. High quality, quicker, easier and cleaner than ever. And beside that it’s absolutely Free for personal and commercial use. We value opinion of PH users so we invite you to check it out for free and leave some feedback in comments. If after testing you’re still excited about MDB Vue and you want more - great! We’re currently focused on developing it by creating more components and features that will be available in the extended Pro version. So if you want to keep track on updates and get notified when MDB Vue Pro is done we invite you to join the waiting list on our website. And now, feel free to check it and let us know what you think! Cheers!
Michal Szymanski
Hi guys, you can also check our Bootstrap integrations with: 1. Angular - 2. React - 3. jQuery -
Michael Gaffney
nice work looking forward to trying this out!
Filip Kapusta
@mgaffneyny I hope you'll find it useful! If you have any questions you're always welcome on our support forum: Cheers!
Marko Kind
Please be aware of the fact that the MDB Kit lacks flexibility at least in one core component (I didn't check others after realising that): It is definitely not possible to render other MDB components as column values in data tables - you can only render plain HTML. And you then can only make those elements interactive by introducing (not very vue-ish) constructs employing method calls like document.getElementsByClassName() and obj.addEventListener(). Don't expect state-of-the-art solutions that are using e.g. Vue slots (like Vuetify or Element-UI do) everywhere. So please make sure that you've read the documentation very carefully and have evaluated this kit using the free version before going for PRO.
Joseph Nelson
Hey @filip_kappa and team - thanks for making this. Do you have a broader examples (in free tier) beyond what's here? Specifically, lists/collections of items, and tables? How do you recommend using tables, or lists/collections of items in the Vue version?