Don't stop typing, or all progress will be lost.
Manu Ebert
The Most Dangerous Writing App — Don't stop typing, or all progress will be lost.

The Most Dangerous Writing App is the most dangerous way to keep yourself focused. Keep writing, or the text fades away and disappears forever.

Ryan Hoover
Best URL ever. This like a web-based version of the heartless Flowstate.
Manu Ebert
@rrhoover Which in turn is a heartless app-based version of the questionably designed but beautifully named "Write or Die" :)
Yuvraj Pratap
@rrhoover both this and Flowstate are awesome! I just need something like this. These can be especially useful while writing morning pages (http://juliacameronlive.com/basi...) where you should not stop and think, just write.
Matthew Whittemore
There are few products that come across PH that I ever use past the first day. This is great. When I can't stop thinking about an idea, I open this up, write for five minutes, download the file and save it for later. Such a great way to clear up your brain and get the idea out.
Alvin Milton
Pissed. I started brain dumping and got a good way then I lost everything. Everything isn't meant to be lost when dumping content from the brain no matter how nonsensical. Though I see the value of such a tool. I probably wouldn't use it often because its going to force me to write write write with no forethought or afterthought and god forbid I decide to research something. Stopping would be the death of what I wrote.
David Ryan
This is wonderful @maebert. Not only is the idea fun, but the implementation in terms of design elements is so beautiful. Well done!
Elliot Volkman
This is pure evil. I love it!
I like that's it's an affordable version of Flowstate (you get to try the concept for free), but I still don't like the fact that you can write a letter and hit backspace constantly to stall the timer and generate time to think. I really wish I had no choice but to keep writing.
Gaurav Mathur
@wyel I hit the backspace button a few times (editing my thoughts) at 4:56 on a 5 min timer and all was lost..
@mathurgaurav What I was doing is typing a random letter and hitting backspace right after (over and over). So it seems like only "typing" counts, and not "erasing". It kind of makes sense if you consider that it's made for you to spill out your thoughts, and not think about editing (which should be done later).
Gaurav Mathur
@wyel I understand and agree. Yet, I wish I had a warning before. It was surprisingly scary and especially painful lose out when just 4 seconds were left.
@wyel @mathurgaurav Backspace button shouldn't even respond to tap ... or if you hit it, it immediately eats 3 seconds off the clock like a time-trials penalty.
Irakli Janiashvili
Love it 😻 I wish something like this existed for programmers - don't stop coding...
Hate this! But in a love - hate kind of way. Sounds immensely conducive to productivity.
Ranit Sanyal
Interesting. Keeps me pushing how to write quickly. Good mind and hand sync tool. :)
Stephen M. Levinson
This can't be a serious tool. If I end up writing Romeo and Juliet, and then pause for a brief moment, everything is gone? That's pretty tragic.
Thameera‏ Senanayaka
@stephenmarklevi Well, this is definitely not the tool for writing Romeo and Juliet :)
Shane Mileham
@stephenmarklevi Yes, it is pretty tragic. If you don't like that, I recommend writing The Comedy of Errors. Much less tragic.
Melanie Amini
I like the idea behind this and how it can push you to write more, but my 'must save my work' anxiety would kick in without the ability to save my work! Did i miss something? Can you save your work? Or is it writers hell?! Cute idea though.
Melanie Amini
@felixoginni ok. That sounds good but it doesn't save in a cloud somewhere? What if power goes or i accidentally close the tab? It's gone for good - like @stephenmarklevi said, its writers hell. Maybe it should be mentioned somewhere along the top of the page so not to ward people off from using it. It's a nice tool that can help with productivity, i'm sure. It's a little too risque (lol) for me at the moment but glad its out there for others to use.
Remmelt van Tol
Wished, I had this during College!
Dre Durr💡
Let's get Dangerous! 👿
Dardan Thaçi
I love it, It make me write :D
Julian Lozano
I really wished I had this when I was at school writing those 10 pagers.
This is def great for free writing 🙌🏻
I know you can copy and paste but please make it so you can save! This could be a great little tool for doing stream of consciousness writing.
Mike Ivars
I tried to write something with a 'little' sense (in Spanish) and i get this, pure verbiage. It's hilarious and absurd.. funny time. XD "Había una vez una historia muy interesante que iba sobre un escritor que escribía en una app de Internet porque lo tenía que hacer, porque si paraba de escribir perdía todo lo que había escrito, así que por ese único motivo no podía dejar de escribir y se pasaba escribiendo todo el tiempo hasta que llegaba un momento que no sabía que más poner, pero había una barra superior que indicaba progreso y parecía que casi había llegado a la mitad por lo que era de suponer que aún tenía que seguir escribiendo y escribiendo si no quería perder todo lo escrito. Por muy absurdo que fuera escribir por escribir, sin sentido, solamente por no perder todo lo escrito, antes de que la mencionada app se vengase por no tener nada más que decir y escribir, y borrase absolutamente todo lo escrito sin más piedad impidiendo poder usar lo escrito para otra vez, o simplemente poder volver a leerlo y recordar esa absurda experiencia de pasarse un rato escribien por el mero hecho de que alguien le propusiera hacerlo, sin parar, si no quería perder todo lo escrito hasta ese momento, experiencias absurdas donde las haya, que ni el propio autor que escribía alacanza a tener claro el motivo que le llevaba a seguir y seguir tecleando letras formando palabras demostrando una insana verborrea que no le levaba a ninguna parte, más que a lograr lo que se supone que pretendía dicha aplicación absurda que acababa de descubrir en el sitio de Internet Producthunt."
Jorge Huerta U
Hey @maebert It's a fun writing exercise. Having a countdown and knowing that your writing will be deleted is a powerful motivator to spill your thoughts on the screen. I'm not a native English speaker and it forced me to quickly find words.
Sagar Mehta
Pretty good way to start your day. This is good for 'morning pages', without the pressure of writing something that can be 'saved for later'. Just write, and use the ideas you get to write later in the day. Cool!