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CheatSheet β€” View Mac keyboard shortcuts in the current application

CheatSheet is lets you view available keyboard shortcuts in your current application. Just hold the ⌘-Key a bit longer to get a list of all active short cuts of the current application. It's as simple as that.

Joshua Dance
Slow clap. This is fantastic. Helps people switching, but also anyone trying to learn keyboard shortcuts.
Whoa, I wish this existed when I've migrated from PC to Mac! πŸ˜„
This is on my 'Must Install' apps list for OSX
Joshua Pinter
This should belong to a new list called "Apple Should Buy Them".
Liam F. Tjoa
Cool! Love it :-) Screen is big though, could be smaller.
Cole Townsend
I'm a bigger fan of http://www.hotkey-eve.com. This tosses a growl notification when you perform an action that has a shortcut.
Joe Anderson
@twnsndco This is more of what I was looking for :)
John Slater
This will be very useful for me as i make a very slow but much needed switch to Sketch
𝐍𝐚𝐫 Υ†Υ‘Φ€
This is AMAZE. I shared it with a friend today and he literally installed it before I was even done showing him how it works.
Alexis Smirnov
Absolutely brilliant way to bring up the cheat panel. Exactly the kind of design decision that makes you go "of course, how can it be any other way that this"
Arti Villa
Does this not work for desktop native apps like Figma?
ThΓ©o Blochet
Did install it, but it is something I used so occasionally that I was more annoyed with the window accidentally popping up than I benefited from the shortcuts. Great concept, though, and indeed very useful for new mac users.
Milan vd Bovenkamp β™ 
@theoblochet the trick is to learn the shortcuts ;)
gil toledo
wow i almost miss that.... Thank you so much :-) Take my money
Sara Clayton
Long overdue. Brilliant!
Thibaut Davoult
This is useful but somehow isn't 100% accurate. Maybe it's because I don't have a US keyboard. I checked with Chrome and some shortcuts are different (I use ctrl+tab to go to the next tab). If there's a way to fix this on my side, it would be great to know it!
Ignacio MartΓ­n
This one is a must have on your Mac for sure!
Myron Luis
Yo needed this today
Irving Torres
I've been using this for a few months now and I absolutely love it. I've learned a ton of new shortcuts for Photoshop, Chrome, and even apps like Apple Mail and so on. Phenomenal tool. By the way, you can change the launch delay so that you only open it deliberately. Very easy to change that in "settings".
Its really cool 😊
Ryan Hoover
Super useful, especially for those transitioning from Windows to the Mac (πŸ‘‹ @corleyh).
@rrhoover DOWNLOADED and using already! This is so helpful! I also added it to my helpful tools collection! πŸ˜€
Dharmesh Shah
@rrhoover Dude, is there anything we don't have in common? I'm a recovering Windows user too (been on Mac for several months now).
Ryan Hoover
@dharmesh we're twins, Dharmesh.
Alec Kinnear
@corleyh @rrhoover Is this not reinventing the (KeyCue) wheel? I'm a long time KeyCue owner (frankly of the Ergonis suite, Typinator is the killer app) and I don't see anything wrong with their rock solid and steadily supported keyboard shortcut app at all. http://www.ergonis.com/products/... This just looks like a copycat app. Am I missing something here?