Tim Ang

Melon - Your AI thought partner for learning and upskilling


Your personal AI learning companion. Build a ‘digital twin’ of your brain and feed it what you’ve learned from any online source. With Melon, you can redirect your digital habits towards becoming a better thinker. Hint: it's way more fun than scrolling...

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Sanne Fouquet
Hi Product Hunt 👋 We’ve been looking forward to this day for over one year. Ever since we wrote our first line of code. Melon grew from my own experience as a young professional, whose appetite for growth and development quickly outgrew what the market had to offer. I went from engineering school to trading to tech - each time learning new skills through podcasts, articles, Twitter etc. And that’s the reality for so many other ambitious young professionals out there. In a job market like we have today, career flexibility has never been more important. So I asked myself: how can we get the most of what’s available? How can we start connecting the dots from all the content we consume daily? How can we make our digital diet a powerful tool for upskilling? I have tried all types of fancy bookmarking apps. But I still struggled to put what I learned to use and formulate my ideas. I needed something different. Meet Melon: your true ‘Brain Twin’ - a thought partner that helps you connect the dots and apply your learnings in everyday life. Ask your brain anything about everything that you saved - from writing thought-provoking tweets based on your recent learning to summarise what you know about topics that you’ve been upskilling in. Today, we’re shipping a whole bunch of features. Here are the headlines: - seamless feed your brain with content and insights from any source - discover and retrieve insights that connect the dots between what you’ve read or listened to - proactively recall conclusions and use them to generate content - capture good ideas wherever, whenever, with Melon for Desktop and iOS Give it a spin. Then let us know what you think below. Product development is never finished. But we’re betting you’ll love it. We’ve already built up a community of thousands of entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, marketers…all using Melon to push their thinking forward. Thank you for the support so far! Sanne
Maria Loleyt
Dear Founders and Makers! This is an amazing project! I know several teams who are working in similar ideas, but you are the first to launch a properly working version. Good luck with your development!!
Tim Ang
@maria_loleyt wow! What an endorsement! Thank you Maria. We wanted to solve a timely issue - the mastery of our digital habits for more productive, growth-focused ends - in a timely way. There's so much more in store - we'll be back on Product Hunt before you know it.
Ann Margit Järvekülg
Super excited to have witnessed the evolution of your product, congrats on the launch! Indeed, it's about time we made scrolling and consuming all this ~cOnTeNt~ actually work for us. Will you consider having Melon also surface knowledge without having to prompt it? Say, could Melon scan the content I've bookmarked every so often and alert me of interesting insights that connect the dots and generate inspiration?
Tim Ang
@annmj haha. Content. All the content. Good thinking - we've implemented certain elements of that in this release. Your brain twin is already able to proactively remind, synthesize and suggest, just like you mention. But there's a load more exciting features we'd like to build - we're working on them
Melon is my favorite app ever!!! It has been so helpful to organise my thoughts, my inspirations and everything I have in my brains, into actual collections, it's a game changer. I feel like I can be more productive now, as I know where everything is saved. I also discovered so many amazing collections and inspirations on the app from other creators, in particular related to Design. Thanks to Melon, I have been learning a lot everyday, the app is so easy to use and content easy to save. Goodbye old notes lists and screenshots!! Hello Melon :D
Tim Ang
@sarah42 my favourite comment of the day! And we hope you get just as much benefit and utility from our latest version. Can't wait to hear what you think!
Sanne Fouquet
@sarah42 this is so nice to read!! Thank you for being part of our community.
Madeline Lawrence
Tim Ang
@madeline_lawrence We couldn't agree more.
Kevin David Lösch
Congratulations on the launch! Looks like you’re really carving out a niche. What sets you apart from the crowd?
Sanne Fouquet
@kevin_losch great question! Connecting the dots: Instead of focusing on capturing individual content pieces, we prioritize connecting the dots across diverse learnings. We believe true understanding emerges from this interconnectedness. Melon's Role: We envision Melon not just as your 'second brain', but as an active, intelligent ally that continuously challenges and propels your thinking forward.
Clemence Vallet
Massive congrats on the launch Sanne ! Melon is an amazing app that puts an end to many hours of scrolling in our day life. Finally a smart way to access to efficient learning and build your knowledge.
Mujammil Soft
Wonderful Punch line "Bring your second brain to life"
Sanne Fouquet
@mujammil_soft we love it too!
Cameron Adams
Congrats on your product
Tim Ang
@cameron_adams3 Thanks Cameron. Means a lot.
C Fouquet
A must-try for people like me, who spends hours learning online but struggle to connect the dots.
Tim Ang
@c_fouquet Thank you Charles. Glad to hear our market research is paying off...
Indra Sharma
I love this! Upskilling at another level ⭐️
Sanne Fouquet
@sagasimon yess!!!
Samuel Lake
I love this concept, I'll be giving this a go. Do you have to manually send all the content you want it to have access to to it? Or will it remember articles ect. that you read without manual involvement?
Sanne Fouquet
@sam_drotar appreciate your support! As of now, the process is manual. The reason for this is we aim to give you complete control over what your Melon Brain Twin is learning. Automating the process could lead it to absorb content you might not necessarily resonate with or value, even if you just casually browse through it.. Excited to hear what you think about the product!!
Congrats on the launch! I have been using Melon and it is my favorite app. It is a definite game-changer for how easy it is to save my content and check others collections and learn from them. Melon AI has been helping me connect the dots among all my saved content and reminding me what I have read.
Sanne Fouquet
@dev_rayda so happy that it's helpful for you!!
Tim Ang
@dev_rayda Thanks Rayda! Our early users hold a special place in our hearts. You guys have been instrumental in helping us develop this product and it's so great to see you guys levelling up your learning with it.
Michael Milstead
Cool! Curious to know, as the data fed into my second brain grows, how are you dealing with context limit? Maybe each "collection" is its own "context"? Is there a limit on information in a collection that my second brain will "know about", and beyond that it may start to forget things? Or are you doing something behind the scenes so that doesn't matter? Thanks!
Sanne Fouquet
@milst it's a great question! The chat is powered by a number of different sequences, one of them being a process that breaks all your content into smaller chunks. A search algorithm then finds all relevant text chunks and feeds them into AI which generates the answer to your question. So for example, this morning I asked it to tell me "What do I know about Gen-Z approach to learning?" ahead of a meeting that I had. It was then first searching for all relevant text snippets in my "brain" (eg across everything that I ever saved) and giving an answer based on these. I think we might add some type of time component in the future though, as the brain grows and it might make more sense to at least give more weight to recently acquired knowledge..
Maria Hagsten
So excited about this concept! Though, I'm not sure exactly how it works. It would be great with an explainer video on your landing page. Can I add non-digital content? E.g. I read a ton of physical books and take photos of important parts or capture quotes in Notion. If I use a tool like this, it would be great if that knowledge-gathering flow could work smoothly as well where it not only captures the text but also makes it easy for me to include the data about it like author, title, etc.
Sanne Fouquet
@maria_hagsten thank you! We've been receiving this feedback from a few people in the comments and will be improving it in the next few days! For now, you can only add links/content. But we're actively working on enabling our users to add anything that comes to their mind into their brains - text snippets and screenshots like you're mentioning, your own voice notes etc.
Tim Ang
@usefpoor !!!!!!
Sanne Fouquet
@usefpoor AGREED!
Maria from MegaVote
Congrats Sanne & team on the launch!
Sanne Fouquet
@maria_mvn thank you!
Clémence Luc
Love the product & UX!! Can’t wait to build a proper content database✨
Tim Ang
@clemence_luc and we can't wait to see what you've built! Our engineers will be thrilled to hear - they've worked so hard to ensure the app is as usable as it is useful.
Matt Preston
I love the idea but it took a while for me to get my head around it. I often find that a quick video on the homepage of exactly how I'd use it really helps me to quickly get my head around the difference it would make. Even if its just an audio-less screen grab of the service in action. Is that something you plan to add? It shouldn't take much work to make that possible. its kind of what both the Apple App Store and Google Play store have where the first screenshot you see of an app is actually a video of it in action.
Sanne Fouquet
@blissinvestor thank you Matt! Noted for future launches and is definitely something we'll consider on App Store as well.
Sangchun Ha
Amazing product!
Sanne Fouquet
@sangchun_ha thank you!
Tim Ang
@sangchun_ha Thank you! Delighted you think so. Now the dust from the launch has settled, we're seeing so many of our users reporting back unique and valuable use cases with the AI. Really exciting.