Mark D.

Reminder - A better reminders app


Reminder is the best way to keep track of your reminders on iOS. Quickly add multiple reminders in a row using the return key. Set time and location alarms to make sure you don’t forget the important stuff. The interface was designed to fit right in with other first party apps. Reminder was built to be quick to launch and easy on your battery.

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Mark D.
Hey Product Hunt! I’m excited to share with you the product of a years worth of evenings and weekends. I was fed up with Apple’s first party reminders app, so I decided to build my own! I took design influences from Apple’s more modern Home app, and strove to make the app feel at home on iOS. I am an independent developer, so the app is a paid app. If you’d like to give it a test run though, you can use the Promo Codes below. Please let me know when you use a code so I can cross it off. Feel free to send any comments / questions / feedback my way, it’s much appreciated. Enjoy! Features: - Manage your lists of reminders with just a few taps - Add a time alert using either the presets or a specific time - Set a location alert based on your current location, or use one of your most recently used locations - Fully compatible with Apple’s Reminders app - Force touch shortcuts to create reminders lightning fast - Dark mode for use at night Version 1.5 will be launching April 16, 2018. v1.5 Features: - Today Widget: Shows you upcoming, overdue, and relevant location reminders - Share Sheet extension: Allows you to create reminders from other apps Promo Codes 44RYLE3EA3LK MRKJLY3PFFE9 MLHNAY6PLHNW PJWJFNHN7H46 AT9A4HW9LLLE XTTYA349RRJ4 AW7XMYPAHKTE M4F663L7HH63 N64H7PMMNPPY 4WAJYFNHTYYH 9JW3WY3AH9T9 4JXEK46MMTXE 7JYPK97HMAHR J34JNPR6H9NW Promo Codes Round 2: KYYEFLAW94YE XKAXAW3XMYX6 YHJ6933PN9P4 ERT4EFNFYF9N E7EJXELXYPLX 76AAWFEYXNR9 6XRT66T4E3K9 EJTNAH6H69FA LR99YJKPXHE9 MF6AF4JH494E K3RYKFWTWLJA JWTY44NW3TWR 6PX3JWKTN7T3 Promo Codes Round 3: F6Y37NLXL3L9 P3PETY6AW366 7MEYKP9E3MFP A3PWX3LW4RL9 7WHRHRT4TE3M 6ANL96FMMNE9 Promo Codes Round 4 (added at 3:30 PM EST): 6YATHMYPHPTN LEKN39FWAK7L PKPJX3A49FEE YMYLXH44FYM3 HLJYYYJW3RTT FPHPHXTRK4L9 9HETMJ6YJE3F PA6KXRWL6XYT Promo Codes Round 5 (added at 5:00 PM EST): Y4K6KFJ6WTNM T7794R9JTMXH FNAF4XJEHH7H W6YKL6MY6MAN 7RW47F6HPNRL JTKFYT9EA7YA L4MMFTPXFAN9 MRFAT74MH9NN PMEX9NKATY99 E3LW6WLEKW6M 4K9HK39HRN3Y W7YR43WTLEEN How to redeem a Promo Code:
Mark D.
@akdm_ I'll get some more codes posted soon. Thanks for the interest!
Lakshman Ramesh
@mpdifran Amazing app. I used the promo code but planning to gift it to someone. Suggestion I have is to enable drag and drop to re arrange items between the lists. And increasing the tap target size. Other than that it's just amazing and simple. Great work!
Mark D.
@lr_94 Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into adding drag and drop in a future release. Was planning on taking a look at drag and drop on iPad soon anyway. Re: tap target size, are you referring to the checkmark? I can try making that a bit larger.
Lakshman Ramesh
@mpdifran Yes I am referring to the checkmark, editing would be a secondary action but completing a reminder would be the primary action, so it being larger is important. Sorting the items based on the time would be a nice feature, maybe you can think about that as well. Overall, it's a great app, I have neglected the stock app for a long time but I can really see myself using your app.
Mark D.
@lr_94 Yeah that makes sense. Re: sorting, I was actually considering letting the user manually sort, but I could maybe add an option to sort by time as well. Thanks for the high praise!
scot copeland
As a frequent user of Apple's Reminders app, I'm interested in what you've done here and I'm happy to support your hard work with your app purchase. Maybe there's a hidden opportunity to broaden your base and keep promo codes tidy by giving them out via an email signup vs. simply sharing them here... Congrats on launching and good luck! I'm excited to use your alternative!
Mark D.
@trythiscolor Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into that. I hope you enjoy using the app!
scot copeland
@mpdifran Already digging it! I love Dark Mode and the quick buttons for time/location alert types. The designer in me would like to see a list view vs. grid view and a big fat + button in the last position of the grid of my current reminders.
Mark D.
@trythiscolor Thanks! Actually one of my earlier designs had the "Add Reminder" button at the end, but I found it difficult to determine which list you were adding to (when you have a lot of reminders). I have also been wondering how to handle longer reminders and larger accessibility text sizes, so maybe an option to display in a list would help with that.
Chris Havens
@trythiscolor @mpdifran Agreed, I would be interested in a way to see longer reminders without the text being truncated. A list view option would be really nice.
Frank Meeuwsen
An interesting app. Bought it as well because of the support for indie devs. The name is quite challenging to get on top of the searchresults in the appstore. I had to search (in the Dutch appstore) on the name and your last name to find it. I will test the app for a few days.
Mark D.
@frankmeeuwsen Thanks so much! Yeah the app name is kind of generic. Hopefully app ratings will help out my SEO. I could also try adding more text to the name.
Frank Meeuwsen
@mpdifran Good luck with that. We know from experience how hard it is. I love the permissions-page in your app. Dropped a screenshot in our Design channel on Slack already :-)
Mark D.
@frankmeeuwsen Yeah I really like the permissions screen as well. It's quite a flexible view; try disabling the location permissions, and adding a location alarm. I also show it on launch when I add a new permission (with the new permission highlighted).
Miguel B
I brought the app to support you. Really like it, there is a bug when sorting lists, it will sometimes duplicate the title and glitch when reordering. Other than that really like the app. I also really like the dark theme, could you let us choose our icon colour independently of what theme we're using. (have dark theme but white icon?) Congrats on your launch and good luck!
Mark D.
@migueljohn_ Thank you very much! I have actually seen that bug before, but I've had trouble reproducing it. I'll spend some more time looking into it. Thanks for the feedback on the theme, I'll look into allowing you to set the icon separately.
David Carpe
appears that codes are all gone!
Mark D.
@passingnotes I'll post some more now!
Cameron Eckelberry
Is there a way to access the lists from my Mac? A website or native app? I work a lot between iPhone and Mac and keeping my reminders in sync has brought me to using Wunderlist but this looks really cool and I'd love to try it!
Mark D.
@digitalberrybot There is a macOS app in the works, but in the meantime, you should be able to use Apple’s Reminders app on macOS as a fill-in.
Romain Lt
Hi, your app looks really cool, I'd like to try it but there is no more code available 😁
Mark D.
@romain_lt I'll have new codes posted soon. Generating them now!
James Dory
The promo codes are not work - anymore available?
Mark D.
@haitianwatcher Yup, I'll get some more posted!
Pavel B.
Good luck in this hard endavour developing something by yourself. Hoping you’ll make it. No sarcasm.
Mark D.
@inlinecoder Thanks, fingers crossed!
João Santos
Hi Mark, used the A9XLNPKNNLN3. Loved how you placed the permissions screen right on onboarding and really straightforward (already showed to my design team). I'll give it a go and check how location-based reminders work and I'll buy the app to support you. What would you say that are the main differences from your app to the native Reminders from Apple?
Mark D.
@thejoaosantos Thank you so much! The main differences between Apple's Reminders app and mine would probably be in the UI. I tried to build the UI to be as simple as possible, and wanted to make sure you could use the minimum amount of taps to create a reminder. I do have a few extra features in the pipeline as well, so look out for that!
Seb Jachec
Thank you for the promo code! I used 9NPY7AKKJNFR. I can definitely see the design influences from Apple's Home app. The app seems pretty minimal and works well, although I'd like to be able to hide certain lists and shake to undo a deletion or completion. The colour picker bar above the keyboard is a nice touch, and the quick time presets and location alert screens are great, much more intuitive than Apple's Reminders imo.
Mark D.
@iamsebj I'm flattered! I do have list minimization slotted for the next minor release, so that'll be coming soon. Shake to undo sounds like a great idea, I'll look into adding that as well!
Stefano Contiero
Really beautifully designed, love the integration with the default Reminders app. Totally giving a review on the App Store! PS: I used this code WPL9PTNL3K97
Mark D.
@estelineink Thank you so much for the review!
Ryan Haft
used this one XMYRH9X4YYLM. Looks so cool!
Mike Pascoe PhD
Definitely looking for more codes. I can haz?
Mark D.
@mpascoe send me a DM on Twitter and I'll get you a code.
Dalton Craven
This looks awesome! Are there any more codes coming?
Mark D.
@cravend Sorry, I've actually run out of codes :/.
Katri Ketoja
Such a useful app for daily business
Thank you, I used Y3RAEFWXNJMF. I’m looking forward to try this app, usually what stops me from trying another reminders app is when it doesn’t use location to trigger my reminders. Now I’m curious if it’s always been possible or it’s something Apple allowed only recently?
Mark D.
@onelargetea Location triggers for notifications have been around since Apple added them to their Reminders app IIRC.
Daniel Kempe
Love the look of this! Thanks for the free code, looking forward to using this long term 👍🏻
Mark D.
@danielkempe Thanks for the feedback!
John Schuster
Thanks! I used AF7P3KWX3YRH. Looking forward to giving this a whirl!
Joseph Wood
I used the code: 34YJPE7F4AWE. Can’t wait to try this out!