Mark D.

Reminder 2.0 - A better way to keep track of your reminders 📝


Reminder 2.0 is the best way to keep track of your reminders on iOS. Quickly add multiple reminders in a row using the return key. Set time and location alarms to make sure you don’t forget the important stuff. The interface was designed to fit right in with other first party apps. Reminder was built to be quick to launch and easy on your battery.

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Mark D.
Hey Product Hunt! I’m back to tell you about the 2.0 update to Reminder. I’ve been hard at work listening to your feedback over the last few months, and I’ve made a ton of enhancements. Here’s a list of all the new things you can find in Reminder since I last posted: - Tab bar at the bottom to help make navigation easier - For You view to show you important reminders based on location and time - Drag and drop to reorder reminders (and move them between lists) - Minimize lists by tapping on their names - Shake to undo last completed/deleted reminder - Improved iPad support - App Icon badges - iMessage stickers - Recurring time alert improvements - Add notes to reminders - Increased size of tap targets - New reminders are placed at the beginning of the list - Two new colours for reminder lists (Teal and Pink) - German, French, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), and Portuguese (Portugal) localizations - Many bug fixes Please give it a try and let me know what you think! I’ve got a few promo codes for you to try it out for free. Please let me know which ones you’ve used in the comments. 7YT3LLWFLJ76 X KN3HLR949JLA X AMAL7HJJHEXE X EMKP47MP4RXR X TMNARYA6993H X KJXMP733YHAL X 7MK6J79A9A7E X EF9E4ETE6EMK X 4J7XF93WTH6Y X 44RLJ4FKN9A4 X HAE6RK4XTLM7 X M37K9YLXEE9P X N6RWL9EMYMWX X R43MN7HF37XL X RJTLFN9RAKY6 X NT4LX7AKM9L9 X KHTPFRRR6R3L X YHH9AK3A7NK6 X JAHKMNTKMN6X X NY6WKA9FXY67 X NEW BATCH (4:30pm EST): A64P4PF6EAPP MTMMKPWTPLAT 66EKEJA7YYXP F6YLL4EEAMX6 67M4XFWHRP4A NTNMHFAJKRMF F69H7HAJMH9E 9WYYYJ9PRKA7 MNRTN934ET93 AL43APF647TR
@mpdifran I used the first one, looks good so far! Never really used the reminders app before so looking forward to using this 🙌
Mark D.
@jleodaniel I’ll try and get some more up soon.
Mark D.
@jleodaniel @boettges More codes are up!
Peter Böttges
@jleodaniel @mpdifran Thansk a lot! I used A64P4PF6EAPP. Feedback: I like the clean iOS 11 style interface, the squared tiles look intriguing and the app's screenshot would definitely catch my attention when browsing for reminder apps. Well done! However at first it did not occur to me that the square tiles actually are liste items on reminder lists. So if I use Alexa or Siri to add an item to my list called "shopping list" it will end up as a square tile. The problem with this (and also Apple's reminders approach) is that I can only set location based reminders to individual items or tiles. I know that you are bound to what is possible with Apple's reminders app, as you are pretty much using it for data storage, but provide a more modern interface. However wouldn't it be possible to store additional location based reminder within the Reminder 2.0 app that are bound to the list name? That would allow to provide a unique feature (which is high on my wishlist in general) that I haven't seen in any other app: the ability to attach multiple locations, as in different branches of store chains, to one list of reminders. Let's say I usually buy my groceries at store chain X, which is located in 4 different locations around town that are personally relevant for me, as I might pass by them during my commutes or preferred routes. It would be nice to store all those 4 locations in your app and be reminded, when I'm nearby. In my opinion that additional information doesn't have to be mirrored to Apple's reminders app and can remain in Reminder 2.0 Also I would love to be able to pan the map of the location picker around and drop a pin to set the location. Especially for stores in the city I often don't even know the exact address, but can locate them by the maps layout, if Apple Maps search doesn't provide sufficient results. Every time I'm in the location picker of Reminder 2.0 I will intuitively start panning around the map, which will cause the titlebar to extend and all other elements will move on top of the fixed map. That feels very off, as it doesn't serve a purpse and there seems unintended. Another nice extension would be basic Markdown rendering for the notes' content of individual tiles/items in Reminder 2.0: Ordered and unordered lists, checkboxes, strikethrough text, as well as bold or italic text and one simple headline style would be totally sufficient. As Apple's reminders doesn't render Markdown it would be stored in the notes section with the Markdown syntax clearly visible, which shouldn't cause any problems, as those Markdown elements are still quite legible when not rendered. I would prefer some live enhancement of the Markdown text, as in iA Writer, 1Writer, Ulysses, Bear etc. Thanks a lot, will keep an eye on your app 👍
Mark D.
@boettges Thanks for all the feedback! It's super useful to understand your specific use case with the multiple grocery stores. I'm currently looking into adding default alerts to reminder lists, and I have a few different ways I can implement it. I'll make sure I add the rest of your requests to my feature list.
Charles Magnuson
My understanding of the location service on iOS is that it does not provide 3rd party developers with fine accuracy when it comes to location alerts. For example, in OmniFocus I have the app alert me when I am near a location which I've associated with a task. However, even at the smallest alert distance, OmniFocus sends me notifications any time I'm within 0.5-0.75 miles of the location. Compare this to the Reminders app created by Apple, I'm able to create alert geofences with radiuses of only 328 feet compared to the 1320 feet minimum provided to 3rd party developers. I see that your Reminder 2.0 app features location alerts. Can you speak about whether this app allows for geofences which are as small as those provided by Apple's Reminders app?
Mark D.
@magnuson I haven't heard anything about 3rd party developers having less accuracy for geofences. I usually set my geofences at 100 m (328 ft) and they trigger just fine.
Charles Magnuson
@mpdifran Interesting. Thank you for following up. I'll have to contact OmniFocus since their geofences are well over 1,000 feet when set at the smallest size. Maybe they haven't updated to the newest API or something like that.
Remind me to download this.
Mark D.
@londonrom will do!
Mark D.
@londonrom Reminder: You should download the app if you haven't yet!
Thanks! Nice app!
Lino Grubben
Great design and elegant use of colors! I also like your icon, and how it appears inside the app, even if a checkmark is not outstanding for a reminder app.
Mark D.
@linogrubben Thanks, I spent a lot of time on the icon.
Trey Huffine
Can't wait to start using this
Mark D.
@treyhuffine I can’t wait either!
Gana Pemmanda

My go to reminder app


Good UI, Intuitive



Lakshman Ramesh
Amazing progress since 1.0. It’s very evident that you are consistently adding features based on what the people want. Kudos for that. While I’m here I would like to request a features that’s missing on the iOS app but present on the Mac reminders app. That’s NLP, which helps process the time and date from the input text. E.g. : buy milk at 5pm. Would love to see that here. Thank you for your work!
Mark D.
@lr_94 Very interesting request. I'll see what I can do!
Kyle Alwyn
Awesome work. Much more functional UI layer on top of iOS reminders. Some suggestions after a day's usage: - Reminders or For You should be the first tab. I don't want to manage my lists as soon as I open the app. - Ability to toggle between list and grid view for reminders. Long titles don't fit well - How do I view completed reminders? - Adding/Editing a todo is a little wonky. "View/Add Note" is initially covered by done and annoying to scroll the toolbar. Maybe explore a slide up overlay that can also be used for adding a todo. I find myself wanting a more global way to add a todo rather than having to scroll down to my bottom-most list just to add. I have an idea of what this could look like if you're willing to explore Really great job and have adopted this as my go-to Reminder app.
Sam Legge
👍😊 ✅
Jared R Davis
I appreciate most that this is a layer on top of the stock reminders system, enabling all of these lists to be shared, even if the app itself doesn't do it. A few thoughts: - Collapsible lists are nice. A count of items inside a collapsed list would be great. - Reminders should come first. List management is secondary to task view. - Auto-detection of hyperlinks would be nice…
Dm-ed on twitter. @ginostoian! Great work!
Anna Filou
This honestly looks so good, I'm always on the search for a better reminder app! Any chance we'll ever see an Android version?