Alexis Ohanian

Mentat Junction - Outplacement made for the fast-paced startup world

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Saad Rizvi
Hi everyone! I'm one of the makers of Mentat Junction and we're excited to share it with you today. Letting people go has been one of the hardest things I've had to do as a founder. Over the last year we've thought hard about and built tools and services to accelerate the job search process for individual jobseekers. Junction builds on this experience to provide outplacement services for startups at less than 20% of the cost of traditional outplacement firms. We designed Junction with two goals in mind: to protect your company and your employees during a reduction in force. With Junction you can get some peace of mind in a particularly difficult time. Most importantly, you can ensure your brand is protected and your outbound employees land comfortably and confidently in a great new job. Junction provides: -Overhaul of the outbound employee's professional brand, documents, resume, etc. -Personalized job search, matching and applications service, using Mentat's machine learning algorithms and network of career experts. -Access to networking tools with a database of leads to directly contact recruiters and hiring managers at companies. -Career support through advisor calls, job search resources and career advice. Look forward to discussing and getting your feedback!
Rafi Zikavashvili
@saadhrizvi congrats on the launch. Curios why the service is focused on startups and not all kinds of companies?
Minza Zahid
@rafizkv! Great question and thanks for the upvote. We are starting with startups because that is where we see the biggest need for our service. Startups want to do more for employees that are let go but are unable to afford traditional services. We do plan to expand to all kinds of companies as we refine and grow our services.
Alexis Ohanian
Letting people go is one of the hardest things a founder has to do even though it’s necessary for the survival of the company at times. Mentat Junction uses technology to make sure the people who took a bet on you are able to find their next role successfully when that happens.
Jordan Krueger
After seeing Mentat on here a year ago, I encouraged my husband – who had been in retail jobs after being laid-off from a professional job 8 years ago – to join. He got a half-dozen interviews and found a job paying nearly 3x what he was making before! As fans, we've also given Mentat as a gift to a friend, and referred others who are looking for a job. They've got a great service with very caring and empathetic staff. Love the new twist they're launching here and highly recommend them.
Saad Rizvi
@jordankrueger Thanks a lot for your support @jordankrueger. It's been a pleasure working with your husband!
Justin Winter
Pricing ranges?
Minza Zahid
Hi, @jcwinter! Thanks for the upvote. Our plans are very cost-effective and prices vary based on the level of the employee and the services being offered. An average plan could be around $500-$1000. This is significantly less than what is charged in the industry today because we are eliminating unnecessary costs using our platform.
Frank Yang
@jcwinter @mimziez Just to add, the old guard in this vertical (Right Management, Lee Hecht Harrison, etc) have terrible reviews (check out their Yelps across multiple cities) and cost up to five times as much. We want to make founders feel like they are treating their former employees right.
Ted Blosser
what a great product Mentat team! I could see every employer finding value in this. Good work!
Minza Zahid
@ted_blosser - Thanks, Ted! We can't wait to see more employers offering this service to their employees.
Ryan Heneise
I'll upvote anything that has to do with Dune.
Minza Zahid
@crispinheneise - Hahah! Glad we are on the same page.