Jacob Gustin

Mentimeter for Zoom Apps - Make voices heard in Zoom with Polls, Wordclouds, Q&A + more


Make every voice heard in Zoom meetings with interactive presentations. Use Polls, Wordclouds, Q&A and more to engage attendees with real-time input.
Attendees can join a presentation from the Zoom meeting window - no voting codes or second devices needed.

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Jacob Gustin
We are so excited to bring the functionality of Mentimeter to Zoom by being Launch Partners for the new Zoom Apps. 🎉🎉 Removing the need for attendees to use a second device to join and vote on your interactive Mentimeter presentations, this app really allows you as the presenter to engage with your audience seamlessly. It works particularly well in hybrid meetings where you present for both live and remote attendees - by letting your live audience join in via their phones, and remote people via the Mentimeter app for Zoom.
Ross Mayfield
@jacob_gustin Awesome to work with you on your Zoom App!