Julian Lai-Hung

MerchPunk - World's biggest Anime Merch Search Engine

1-stop search for official merch of your favourite anime TV show or film. All the studios and stores in Japan, in one place, all authentic merch. As soon as a new show drops, find it on MerchPunk, straight from the source. Easy search, buy and wishlist.

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Julian Lai-Hung
200 new anime TV series and films from Japan get streamed around the world each year, but fans across the globe cannot access merch at the same time - we built merchpunk to solve discovery of official merch and avoid pirate product. Would love any/all feedback! Love you more if you could answer our survey: https://bit.ly/2sLcjbx We're running $100 gift cards lucky draw for survey respondents. Cheers and happy holidays!
Julian Lai-Hung
Now the world's biggest anime merch search engine: 1.6 million items, 66+ stores supported. Easy buy and ship.