
Mercury API - API for your business bank account


Get read & write control to accounts.* Make payments and access balance & transaction data programmatically. *Mercury is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Choice Financial Group and Evolve Bank & Trust ®️; Members FDIC

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We launched Mercury on ProductHunt in April and were humbled by all the interest and excitement. Our vision from even before we started Mercury was to give API access to your account, so we're very excited to finally be launching version 1 of the API. Would love to receive feedback from the ProductHunt community on the API and how we can improve it. Some use cases initial testers have already come up with include creating Slack notifications for incoming transactions, making automated payments to vendors, and even creating a custom iOS app. We'd love to see what other applications the community can come up with.
Kai Gradert
Making programmable money real 💪
saar gur
this is how banking for startups should work
Nathan Lands
I'm a happy customer. Mercury is like if Apple built a bank. Such a beautiful and simple product. Wish I would have got in on their seed round. Mercury is going to be huge.
Ryan Hoover
Curious to see how people use this. What are the most interesting or creative use cases you've seen come up so far, @immad?
@rrhoover I built this to solve our problems at my previous company with not being able to integrate with our bank. We were a marketing and used to have invoices paid into our bank account and getting them marked off as paid in our internal systems was a painfully manual process. We also had to payout 500+ developers at the end of the month and had to do that manually. Other interesting use cases we have seen is someone with 10+ companies who hates to log in to 10+ bank accounts to see balances and move money around. People are also building Slack bots to send custom notifications. Still early days and we will do blog posts of interesting use cases as we see them.
Nagarajan Rao
@immad - great app. Would love to chat about the "payout" use case. We power companies for cross-border payouts-
Andrew Scales
Application process was easy, and the support team was quick to respond to the one email I sent. The API released the week I joined, so I haven't messed with it much yet.
Sam Campbell
Congrats on the launch! What do you see as the most useful and non-intuitive use cases?
Max Tagher
@campbellcapital One of the most useful that we saw someone make is a Slack integration that piped all new transactions to a channel
Babak Hamadani
This is awesome!
Todd Goldberg
Congrats! Love the idea of programmable money.
Hasan Diwan
Love Mercury
Sekhar Chandra
Great product, @immad. Kinda curious as to how the Mercury api integrates with the banks? Do you need to get banks onboard for integration?
@sekhar_chandra Nope. The idea is that you should be able to do with the API anything you can do from the website/app manually. If/when we add features that aren't available on to do manually and require additional fraud or compliance checks we would have to work with our bank partners on those.
Congrats, @immad! Would your team be able to add it to the Open Banking API Tracker? https://www.openbankingtracker.c...
Sasha Briu
Thank you for making founders life easier )
This looks amazing! Anyone in the tea room?
Is this available worldwide or just for the US ?
@pablosvg784 US companies only. But founders can be anywhere.
Sheel Mohnot
Having to send out ACH's manually is a miserable process; this is exciting!
Is this only for USA companies or individuals?
Ed DeCaria
@immad In the future, will it be possible to set up an app to accept customer payments by ACH (push/credit, not pull/debit) using the Mercury API? Seems like Mercury's API focuses on payments out of Mercury to vendors via ACH, but not the other way around. I'm currently setting up Stripe to accept ACH payments, which would then deposit into my Mercury bank account, but it would be nice to avoid the 1% Stripe fee and simplify my payment flow with a direct API call to Mercury to accept ACH payment.