I wasn't planning on launching this until later this week... but another Casey bot got hunted today so I thought why not!
I've been teaching myself how to build bots over the last few weeks, using Chatfuel. @joshbocanegra built SelenaBot and Christina Milian Bot - I've been saying celebs are the best use-case for bots for while and I just got what Josh was building! I wanted to dive in too, so I did.
This is one of 6 bots I have made - Keep your eyes peeled for the others! (I have a medium draft in progress)
I went with more of a light-weight app approach rather than actual text based... if Google can't get an AI convo right then I'm not interested in delivering a sub-par conversational approach to users. I'd rather users be able to tap away and glide through with ease.
I think this bot shows as a decent template for a good experience (IMO!) - and I'll be copying it for others too.
P.s. My favourite part is the "Ask Me Stuff" - I hadn't added it until this weekend. I felt the bot was pretty much done but something was missing...I added it and thought 'that was what was missing!' - let me know what you think
The first celebrity bot I've actually been interested in 👍 I've not really looked into creating bots, but how long did it take you to make? How much time do you have to spend researching Q&As?
@marsh931 Cheers! Honestly not that long really. I found chatfuel simple enough, its just a case of getting the right information, linking it together and testing. Sometimes it can be hard to find decent Q&As for YouTubers but this wasnt that bad
✨ Woot! Congrats on pushing this out, Ben! Loved playing around with this when I saw it last week. I was beyond surprised at how fluid everything seemed and loved how genuine the answers felt. A mix of a convo with fireside chat.
I imagine it could be pretty nifty to have bands/artists automatically message folks (who have requested it) when they're on tour in or around their city. Or follow up when there's an answer to a requested question that wasn’t available before. Among many many other possibilities. This is pretty rad and can't wait to see where it goes.
@imcatnoone Thanks Cat - yeah I thought the format was cool when I was putting it together, a few iterations got it to where it is right now.
Oh definitely there is a lot of diff options that could work well in this space I think :)
@freshfey@joshbocanegra kind of yeah...
There is no BIG goal - I simply wanted to learn how to make a bot.
Im on the same wavelength as Josh and think these types of bots have a huge opportunity. And Im a Casey fan so I thought it would be a fun one to start with.
Great job! I actually just started following Casey Neistat not too long ago. Looks fun. Do you find the amount of content from Neistat makes it easier or harder for you to create the bot? How does it compare to the other bots you're making? @bentossell
@davidsfeng thanks! good questions! I felt like I could've added a ton more, and for me it was hard to draw a line somewhere. But like I said I think this template is quite good for its use-case.
This bot is similar to one Im building too where the info online is a little overwhelming. But its good to just think of a place to start and make sure you can draw the line somewhere. you can alway add stuff later - especially after reviewing what users keep asking too.
@marktmcewan no cost... I didnt really read much around it - Im very much more the try and fail kinda guy haha. Found it pretty straight forward to figure out
@marktmcewan there are some plugins to use and some cool signup processes you can do. let me know if you have any ques... Im a self taught noob but will try!
@bentossell@greg_x_willis Hi Ben. Question: do you think celebs will have problems with people putting their "branded" content out there without their prior approval?
@suarezm@greg_x_willis If someone from his team reached out and there was an issue then I'd happily remove whatever it was.
But all the info I am using is from Casey himself. All the links are his links etc. So not sure to be honest!
@jdpagley so I went for the approach of using buttons rather than user messaging inputs - the experience is too patchy to be any good that way.
Buttons work really well here I think
will be amazing if everybody here send a message to @caseyneistat with the link and the hashtag #caseybot! imagine if casey really see that and take a shot to the blog :D
Amazing use case @Bentossell! Tried Chatfuel for a bot I'm currently building, but ended up using flowxo for their deeper Google Sheets integration. Best of luck!!
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