Jordan Hornblow

Scope - Scope is a bot that identifies songs from lyrics/titles


Scope is a Facebook Messenger bot that identifies songs from lyrics/titles. Scope returns detailed information about songs it matches including title, artist, album, BPM, key, samples, producers and more (where available). Scope also returns direct Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, YouTube and Genius links.

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Dre Durr💡
You know what would make this really cool... If it could find the sitcoms from the lyrics. "Our whole universe was in a hot dense state..." I really hope someone knows that. Dope 🚬🚬
Jordan Hornblow
@dredurr that's on the upcoming list - going to add TV shows and movies by quote. Cheers for the support!
Shauli Daon
Nice, but we still have Google.
Jordan Hornblow
@shauli_daon exactly right, I used to use Google for scoping songs. I've since found that using a targeted service helps to filter out false positive results - e.g. scope never go to bed mad. Googling "never go to bed mad" returns many results before Jay-Z - MaNyfaCedGod.
Jordan Hornblow
Scope is a Facebook Messenger bot that identifies songs from lyrics/titles. Scope returns detailed information about songs it matches including title, artist, album, release date, recording location, BPM, key, samples, featured artists, producers and writers (where available). Scope also returns direct Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, YouTube and Genius links to the song. Scope is powered by Genius and Spotify APIs so matches are slightly biased towards hiphop and rap music (Genius started off as Rap Genius). It's easy to scope a song - just send a message starting with 'scope' followed by the lyric/title you're after (e.g. scope waves). Scope will reply with details of the closest match. If Scope matches the wrong song, simply reply with the word 'wrong' to select from the next best matches. Hit up Scope at or Vimeo demo at
Technologies Used - Node.js - TypeScript - Terraform - Lex - Lambda - CodeBuild/CodePipeline - Facebook Messenger Platform - Spotify API - Genius API What's next for Scope? - Add/improve sharing functionality - Add suggestions - Add more intents/interactions - Add Scope for other media - movies/TV/quotes etc. > Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it? - JAY-Z
Jordan Hornblow
Scope is currently English only
Magnus Burton
Love it, very useful! An easy update to improve the ux significantly would be to add ‘wrong’ as a quick reply
Jordan Hornblow
@magnusburton great idea! I'll get onto this. Cheers for the support.
Alex Siminoff
This is a great idea, love it
Jordan Hornblow
@alexsiminoff cheers for the support!
Jordan Fourcher
It would be cool if it could recognize a song from a screenshot of the song. It is pointless when you have a screenshot of one song, but if a friend sends you 30 screenshots of songs on Spotify, it would be great if this app automatically put them in a Spotify/youtube playlist. It is already looking for the title and stuff, so simple ocr could help the process.
Jordan Hornblow
@jfourcher this would be cool but Spotify supports codes now which could be used to import songs to a playlist. I'll take a look into it but don't plan on tackling this in the short term. Cheers for the support!
Jahlil White
Google the lyric or use Scope...🤔. I'll go with Google. Maybe Baidu
Jordan Hornblow
@fightstweet good point, I used to use Google for scoping songs. I've since found that using a targeted service helps to filter out false positive results - e.g. scope never go to bed mad. Googling "never go to bed mad" returns many results before Jay-Z - MaNyfaCedGod.
Steven Law
Very clever!
Jordan Hornblow
@stevenlaw cheers for the support!
Rebecca Lerner
I thought this was just called Google. Is there a real need for this?
Jordan Hornblow
@rebeccall80 good point, I used to use Google for scoping songs. I've since found that using a targeted service helps to filter out false positive results - e.g. scope never go to bed mad. Googling "never go to bed mad" returns many results before Jay-Z - MaNyfaCedGod.