Denis Shepherd

Method Wireframe Kit 2 - Find your method of being incredibly fast in prototyping.

Our team specialises on UI/UX products and we know how important good prototyping is. Every project starts with the idea - and you need to describe it the better way. This is what our Method made for.

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Prateek Keshari
Very useful!
Federico Jorge
Is this a Figma-only project? Would love to have access to this kit for AI or PSD!
Denis Shepherd
@federicojorge Hi there! Yes, for now. But we’re going to create Sketch and Photoshop versions. Thanks for your interest!
Aaron White
Website is down...
Denis Shepherd
@aaron_white I am sorry for that! Not it seems to be ok! Check it out please!
Denis Shepherd
Hey hunters! 👏 Today we’re presenting you our new wireframe kit for Figma. We believe that Figma is perfect for prototyping. You can connect to your teammates and work on the prototype together. We’re going to enlarge this project by adding new blocks, creating the roadmap and making it adaptive. Also, we provide you 30% discount promo code - ph30. Use it on the checkout popup.
John Shaw
This is right up my street. I would love to see a Sketch version though as i don't use Figma. Is this currently on your road map? Good job
Denis Shepherd
@john_shaw12 Thanks, John! We will try to make an ideal Figma version first and then we will make it for sketch and .psd
Kirill Lyakhov

The kit just speeding up my workflow. I'm happy :)


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Need some time to understand how it works

Goldy Arora
Is there a way it can work with Wordpress?
Anna Filou
@goldy_arora this is a wireframe kit. In simple terms, is a set of pictures that you mix and match to create a sketch of the interface you're going for. Or to brainstorm. But the result is pretty much an image. It had nothing to do with the actual web development. it's not a boilerplate or HTML template.
Anna Filou
Will Method get an update now that Figma (and Sketch, I think?) has auto layout?