Prep new dishes with Plant Jammer's easy dish-builder which combines artificial intelligence with core gastronomical principles such as balancing tastes, contrasting textures and building aroma complexity. Now you can create a recipe using what's in your fridge and never again have to search for recipes.
I am soooo biased, as I'm the CEO and Founder of Plant Jammer :-)
However, this is my dream product, developed for my own needs to cook and eat more different and more veggies.
Please have a look and give feedback on - at this early stage feedback is gold!
Pros:Fast and easy way to match my fridge
Cons:Product obviously in early stage, but improving every week
Use PJ several times a week - really inspires me to create new dishes
Pros:Easy to use - inspiring - fun
Cons:not done yet
Interesting app! Looking forward to follow the development.
Pros:Inspiring and fun way to cook
Cons:Don´t know
Simple - just the way I love it!! :)
Pros:So easy to use and helps me becoming a better cook - LOVE IT!!
Cons:None :)
great and fast inspiration for an unskilled chef like myself
Pros:huge time saver when you dont know what to cook
Cons:cant think of any
Plant Jammer is a new and fun way to think when you want to be a little kitchen creative and think out of the box. I love that I can choose food without lactose and gluten. It makes it very easy.
I also like the happy, simple, drawning-style on the site ;-)
Pros:Easy, quick, informative and innovative
Cons:I wish I have bought the Plant Jammer starters kit...
Hustle Crew Academy