This is very cool. A leaderboard of what SDKs are embedded in the appstore's top apps.
Vungle (a startup that I co-founded 5+ years ago) is embedded in 33 of the top 200 apps.
Pokemon Go has 9 SDKs embedded:
- CrittercismSDK
- Google-AdMob-Ads-SDK
- GoogleNetworkingUtilities
- Nianticproject
- PLCrashReporter
- Unity3d
- Upsight
- Company
- JSQWebViewController
This is Shane, one of the makers. Great to see the insights people are deriving! Happy to answer any questions. We worked on this project because as former mobile developers, we faced the problem of not knowing what SDKs were out there that could make our app better. MightySignal's paid product is for companies looking for sdk usage across the millions of apps we've scanned, but this was a fun project to get something free out there for the developer community.
Hustle X
Mighty Signal
Mighty Signal