Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Mila - Sort your inbox contacts to your marketing and sales tools

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Colin Ellis
I co-founded this idea when I realized that over the last couple of years, I've amassed a tremendous network of just simply awesome people.  With that in mind, I also experienced the way we currently maintain our network is very out-dated. Basically, 80% of my contacts go to waste in my inbox. If only you could add everyone to your newsletter, right? Or keep a list of all long term prospects you've spoken to? Last few years, I tried to manually keep track of everyone I emailed with in a spreadsheet: sort people into categories, check the phone-info... and than copy-paste them to my newsletter... It made me feel like destroying my laptop. I hope to help freelancers, organizers, initiators, to get organized without the tedious, manual work So they can promote, share and grow their idea's, business, products more easily!
David Feng
@colinellis5 Definitely trying this out. I have the exact same problems today. I assume this also scans sent emails (outbounds) direct from my email? Congrats on the launch!
Colin Ellis
@davidsfeng absolutely! Great to hear - add me to your newsletter :-)
Eric Quinn Hargrove
@colinellis5 - you're my hero! I'm all about this. Echoing the gmail question, but it's not a deal breaker. #NiceToHave though. Great Work!
Jit Salunke
@colinellis5 Great stuff. Just tried it. But it shows only 25 contacts in my network. Not that I have huge network but at least 25+ Am I missing something?
Colin Ellis
@jitsalunke Just refresh en after that go to New Contacts!
Timan Rebel
I've been testing Mila for a while now and it really works! Are there any plans on adding more integrations like Trello or Zapier? Zapier/IFTTT would be awesome!
Patrick de Laive
@timanrebel upvote for Zapier integration
Boris VvZ
@timanrebel there sure are! We started with a few basics but plan to add more services as soon as we know which ones are the most important to our audience. So better upvote the comment by Patrick then :-)
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Mila has been in Beta for a while but now finally live! Great tool by @colinellis5 and TNW's @Boris - Save every interesting new contact to your own address book or share them with your team and tools!
Martijn de Kuijper
Woop, gogogo, upvote, signup, upgrade! Support my buddy @colinellis5
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
@mdekuijper @colinellis5 so much call to actions 😂 but checked them all w000t!
Susanne Afman
Have been trying out this Beta, and love the swiftness with which I can maintain my network. I'm a huge list-addict, so also a big fan of the feature that allows me to create my own lists to order my contacts. Keep up the good work @raoulwissink, @colinellis5 & @Boris!
Boris VvZ
@susanneafman @raoulwissink @colinellis5 thanks, that's great to hear!
Twotone Consulting
number one way we grow our @revue list! Excited to see Mila on product hunt!
Boris VvZ
The Mila team has worked hard on this and we are all excited to see it launch. If you have any questions on how we got started (or any other questions at all) do ask. We are here all day... 😎
Andrew Bonar
It is fast, that I appreciate. I am sure improvements are coming, it would save a tremendous amount of time if we didn't have to sort through newsletters and the like. The "Newsletters and spam are automatically filtered and sent to the trash" feature definitely needs more work. That said I will upgrade my account to paid and persevere.
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
So who did the design? Don't tell me @Boris went Sketching? Or you @colinellis5 . Looks swell. It's great start for making email inbox pro(fessional) and overall networking smarter. Would love to have more integrations though, Zapier could connect them all I think (I use Reply, Revue and Trello). Also your web engine is great, would love to connect the Wildcard Pocket, where you collect all kinds of people, with your web engine. Nice work boys, always nice to see so many familiar faces in a video ;)
Bertrand Dubaut
@milann Thanks a lot! We do have plans to expand the number of tools you can connect to Mila Zapier is definitely high on the list, so stay tuned!
Yvo Schaap
I like the idea behind this. The value it exposes is pretty clear. And want to try it out. But I just can't give permission to 'View and manage your mail' just for signing up and having a look around. Imho you should ask that permission later on the process?
Bertrand Dubaut
@yvoschaap Thanks for your feedback, it's been quite a journey so far :) Unfortunately our hands are tied with the authorization process if you want Mila to work. If you want to know more about how we handle your information, you can have a look here:
Jeroen van Velzen
Great product guys! Was looking for something like this!! Is Office365 on your backlog? PS: amazing performance by clown academy alumni @Boris!
Bertrand Dubaut
@jeve Thanks! Are you talking about Office365 the office suite (exporting, importing to spreadsheets) or supporting email addresses?
Jeroen van Velzen
@bdubaut We don't use Gmail/ Google Apps but Office365 for email and contacts management. You would need the same authorization from Office365 ("View and manage mail" and "manage your contacts")
Wout Laban
Testing Mila was great, very useful to stay on top of all the people I interact with. Will I be able to email users straight from Mila at one point, sometimes I have a contact or list that I just want to shoot a message right away?
Boris VvZ
@woutlaban right now we try to look for the best services to integrate, and Mailchimp is in our opinion the best way to do that so we implemented that first. But you are not the first person to ask for this, so maybe we will add it one day. First things first though... ;-)
Jochem Wijnands
Love it!
Colin Ellis
@jochemwijnands thank you Jochem!
Jennifer Harris
Not able to sign up. Just sends me back to the main page.
Bertrand Dubaut
Thank you for letting me know @jennifer_harris, the Google authentication scripts have probably not finished loading, and this is why you can't login. Just reload the page and wait for it to be fully loaded, and try signing up again. please let me know how it went :)
Jennifer Harris
@bdubaut Thanks was finally able to access the next day. Sadly i'm not a big gmail user so this is not very helpful for me :(.
Great company, great cake!
Seems like the product and the video has changed quite a bit since last time. Cool re-use of the old video :). Not sure if this product would be for me or my team though.
Great tool! Would love a 'non-Google' signup. 😉
Colin Ellis
@jonsjanssens we are working on full IMAP support for any email service. Thank you for your advice!
Tom Blue
Cool idea. Is there any way to have the app within gmail so you don't have to go to another site?
Bertrand Dubaut
@tomblue Thank you for your feedback! Stay tuned, ESPECIALLY if you are looking for a Gmail plugin ;)
Woah! Was waiting to see something like this here on PH. Great job @colinellis5
Joseph Ayoub
It looks awesome. Trying it right now. Hopefully it is. I have way way too much spreadsheets.
Colin Ellis
@joseph_ayoub that's what's Mila is for! Let us know your product feedback and we can keep you in the loop on our updates.
Joseph Ayoub
@colinellis5 Hi Colin, Just messaged the internal chat, but my main feedback is : How do I export the lists to mailchimp ? Is that done automatically (if so when ?)