Hello Product Hunters! I am the founder of Mind Tracker.
We have launched the Mind Tracker service. Mind Tracker is an app to improve your mental state. Service allows you to:
▪️ keep a history of mental well-being;
▪️ add life events and leave notes;
▪️ observe a graph of mood swings, including mood changes at different times of the day;
▪️ observe how events affect mood;
▪️ simplify work with psychologists and psychiatrists;
▪️ monitor your energy level.
The service is especially useful for people who go to psychologists and psychiatrists, it helps to reduce the distance between doctor and patient. Right during the appointment, you and your doctor can discuss your recent condition that you have marked in the application.
Mind Tracker helps you better monitor your condition, especially that might be helpful for people with personality disorders and mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, ADHD, BPD to find cycles and dependencies of mood and events. Also, the service is suitable for people who generally monitor and care about their mental well-being.
Mind Tracker helps you better understand when you are most productive, on what day of the week and at what time of day.
Fight stress. The analysis of your well-being itself already improves your mental state. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle at work, when you're overwhelmed a lot, one notification from the app can already help. It is enough to take a moment to distract yourself and think what emotions you are currently experiencing, what level of stress and mood you have. This introspection is already enough to cope with stress. This is such a micro-meditation and reflection on well-being, which makes your life more comfortable.
We do not use "smiling faces" and a five-point scale. In a bad mood, choosing a “sad face” is the most painful and can only lead to unnecessary associations. Therefore, we use only color. We are accustomed to evaluating films on a scale from 1 to 5, where 3 is considered a bad rating, although this is an average rating. We have left this association thanks to the 7-point scale. Our seven-point scale is the most inclusive for a person and does not create unnecessary associations.
Every person has events in his life that affect his well-being. But not always a person can find a connection how an event affects him, especially after a while. In the application, the user can mark events in the moment, and Mind Tracker analyzes the average state of a person and shows how this or that event affects him. Moreover, it shows how the event affects not only the moment but also how it has influenced the future state. This helps a person literally to see how the events taking place in his life affect him. Such an analysis helps to reduce the number of events which affect the state badly and increase the frequency of events which affect the mental state well.
Energy level. It is very important for introspection to understand your current energy level, as this gives a three-dimensional perception of your well-being. For example, it happens that you are in a good mood, but you are tired, however, you cannot always clearly articulate for yourself that you are just tired, and in general you are in a good condition. When you mark this, you better understand your condition and understand that now it’s enough for you just to rest, for example, read a book, and after a while you will feel much better.
We have done a lot of work with the graph. Everyone has their own mood cycles, and It is important to understand what cycle you are in right now. Therefore, sometimes you need to look at the graph on a large scale. We have tried to find a golden mean between averaging and preserving the information content of important “peaks” of mood that stand out from the average state. The graph remains informative at any scale.
The application is absolutely free at the moment, and we would like to keep all the functionality that is free now. We continue to develop the application and are currently working on paid functionality with even smarter well-being analysis.
Take care of your mental health.
Thank you!
This is really useful for people who need to recall to a psychologist/psychiatrist "how the last week has been". It's often easy to give an answer that's too rosy or too sad depending on how you are feeling in the moment. This app helps you be more objective!
Mind Tracker
Mind Tracker
Mind Tracker
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