Felix Krause

MindNode 5 - Visual brainstorming on your Mac, iPhone and iPad

We’ve rethought every part of our app to make it more intuitive to use. We hope that you love the new UI for MindNode.

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Great app. Too bad longtime supporters and boosters (buyers of MindNode Pro, back in the day) don't get any kind of discount. Sure, part of this is due to limitations of the Mac App Store, but why do they limit themselves to the Mac App Store only? Burning a lot of goodwill.


Great UI


Lack of upgrade pricing for longtime supporters

Peter Steinberger
And that is why it’s not recommended? They reworked everything, there is nothing left from the old “Pro” product yet they offer update pricing. Seems very fair to me.
Sander Datema
But there is an upgrade option. Just make sure you have the old version installed and you'll get a discount offer.
I upgraded from MindNode 2 on macOS to MindNode 5 yesterday. I was given more than 50% off the regular price to upgrade. Went from $39.99 to $14.99. I appreciated how IdeasOnCanvas (i.e. the developers) provided for upgrade pricing. Nice touch.
Vivek Sancheti
Looks cool any plan for web & android support? And what is pricing? No link on website to pricing page.
Matthias Tretter
@evivz hi Vivek, we do have myMindNode which is a web viewer, but there's currently no way to edit documents on the web. No Android version planned, but don't pin my down on that, this decision might change in the future. The pricing is different and depends on your AppStore, so it's best to visit the AppStore and check the price of the IAPs there. Moreover, we do offer discounts and even free upgrades for previous customers, so the best way to see your price is downloading MindNode and checking from within the app.
Downloaded and purchased. Love how this app helps me put down my thoughts so I can discover insights. Why the need for macOS 10.12 "Sierra"? Would love to run it on my OS X 10.11 "El Capitan" systems.
Matthias Tretter
@getraf this was an ongoing discussion and in the end we settled with Sierra for various reasons. in short: the main reason is that it allows us to iterate faster and move forward faster. we are a small team and supporting old OSes means a lot of work: not only can you not „just use“ new API and need to decide at runtime, which can clutter the code quickly and makes it harder to maintain. what adds the real overhead is testing though. each OS version we support must be thoroughly tested, we would never just support a version without testing. being a small team this is hardly doable, so we decided on cutting El Capitan and focusing on making the best MindNode we can for Sierra and High Sierra
Andy Lee
Did you guys get rid of panning using the spacebar? Getting around a huge document is extremely difficult without that feature. Might be a deal-breaker for me :(
Dominik Stec
@imtheandylee just received the answer from the team: "It’s a bug. We already working on a fix. Sadly didn’t make the cut for 5.0.1"
Matthias Tretter
@imtheandylee as @kreatywny stated, this is a bug that slipped through, we'll make sure to fix it soon!
Really amazing app. Made mind mapping actually simple and enjoyable for me. 💜 You can make some really cool things with mind maps too like this: https://www.producthunt.com/post... 🗺
It's a great app but i think is overpriced, in this year there is a lot alternatives more cheaper that suit well for most of users
Peter Steinberger

Great to dump ideas, sort them and share them.

The best app in this category, period.


Beautiful executed product


No editing on myMindNode yet

Vlad Korobov
Hey guys, your app is great. I think the best one for mind maps. One suggestion: export html page with interactive nodes, so it is possible to collapse them. I would love to help with that.
Vlad Korobov
Oh, sorry you have that in the new version "Present or export your document. Publicly share interactive documents via our myMindNode service. Whoever you send them to can explore your ideas without having to install anything."
Matthias Tretter
@vladkorobov exactly, we already have that :)
Prashant Pillai
Been using the 2.0 for long now. It's one of the best mind maps in the scene. With this upgrade it'll make things much much easier and faster. Congrats to everyone at Mind Node and @myellow & @fafner !!
Matthias Tretter
@iprashantpillai thank you so much for your nice words and encouragement, glad you like our update :)
Hey makers, why the number jump from 2 to 5 on macOS? Is it because the iOS version was at 4 and you wanted to match iOS and macOS version numbers?
Matthias Tretter
@getraf exactly, you're one of the few to notice (or at least to ask) :)
@myell0w There's a few sharp people out here in the world. lol Thanks for making a great tool. And by the way, your marketing lady, Paula Schramm, reached out to me to make sure things were cool and to thank me for my comment on ProductHunt yesterday. Very cool.
Jonno Riekwel
I bought 4.0 six months ago for full price. Even though it's worth it, I'll stick to 4.0 for now on. Don't want to pay another chunk for a small upgrade.
Matthias Tretter
@jonnotie 4.x will continue to work 👍 if you change your mind, you can try MN 5 for free for 2 weeks and as a previous customer you are eligible for a discount. MN 5 is far from a small upgrade, it's been in the making for over 1.5 years and especially on iOS we rethought every aspect of the app
Jim Knutt
I love where this project could go. Can't wait to try it out. Have you considered a dark mode theme?
Matthias Tretter
@jimknutt Hi Jim, we don't have a full dark mode, but we do have a dark mode on iOS that is auto-applied, if you open a theme with a dark background. Try it, it's gorgeous :)
Amit Agarwal
Congratulations on the release. Do you have a page that compares v2 and v5.
Matthias Tretter
@labnol not a comparison, but here are our release notes of v5 (hint: they are long ☺️): macOS: https://mindnode.com/support/rel... iOS: https://mindnode.com/support/rel...
Dominik Stec

I using MindNode many years now, every time it's a great experience!

Thanks for making the software guys!


UI, Delightful product, the BEST.


lack of watchOS version! joking! :P no cons!

Virrindra V Argekar
Still use and very much love the 2.5.7 version which I am on currently. This is a nice upgrade. Wonder if I am feeling itchy about the upgrade.
Thomas Zoechling
@virrindra1 The new version offers a Trial so that you can test drive the app for some time. If you decide to stay on the old version, you can still open and edit all documents that you created or modified with the Trial. (Some of the new features like Top-Down layouts are reverted when you re-open with MindNode 2.5.7). We also offer a discount for existing users. The details can be found in the FAQ section of our support page: https://mindnode.com/support
Virrindra V Argekar
@weichsel Thanks Thomas! Will take a look. Like I said, I was feeling tempted / itchy. Whatever you want to call it ;-)
Paul Williams

I've been using MindNode for writing - have for years. I find moving branches of text is much easier than cutting and pasting in a text app. Great for mindmapping


Write the way you think


Built-in "Idea Sandbox" theme is missing

Alex Popescu
Mac version only works with the latest MacOS (10.12/Sierra or later)
Shane Carlson
@myell0w Just downloaded to use for a corporate visual asset audit. Beautifully designed. Loved the UX as well. However, it appears there is a very troubling bug that locks up my Mac and forces me to hard button reset when I double click a node to edit it. Has happened 4 times now 😭
Matthias Tretter
@s_carlson Hi Shane, thank you for the kind words and sorry to hear that there seams to be a problem. Can you maybe contact support@ideasoncanvas.com with any information you have about the issue you are seeing? We didn't receive any bug report similar to this so far, so it would be really interesting to see what causes this bug.
Andrew Morse
this app was installed on my machine without my consent , its impossible to remove and mindnode do nothing, it acts like a virus and prevents certain functions on your mac. avoid at all costs , please note mindnode have been told atleast 5 times of this problem and are really not interested in helpin so i am forced to post here