I've been a user of quite a lot of the email marketing tools on the market (mailchimp, intercom, etc etc), and likewise many of the social media scheduling tools also (buffer, hootsuite, etc etc). A lot of these products are fairly over complicated, quite pricey, and overkill for simple personally written emails. You normally end up having to treat the two activities of emailing and posting to social media separately. In my view, email is just one whopping big (the biggest in fact) social network so think what the Minute Mailer team is trying to do is quite smart - bring all that together in a simple easy to use way.
I like the fact that you can import lists easily and word on the street is they have a google spreadsheet integration on its way also (as are the ability to tag/segment users I hear).
Would love to hear the teams thought on their journey so far, what inspired them to build MM and who they see their main target customers being?
@jasondainter I'm under the pump right now but wanted to say that I've put this on our list of tools to try. We're using CoSchedule to act as editorial calendar and Wordpress stage, with Buffer right along side if for the other socials. But I like your ed calendar by the week, and the action-specific views. It's actually a lot like the content strategy view I design to show the channels, usages, frequency, and purpose. Nice one - can't wait to send some feedback. Thanks for the share.
Glad it helped @davedri. Funny enough this post yesterday was very much along the lines of what I was saying about email being a massive social network :-) http://techcrunch.com/2015/08/29...
Hi there, Oskar, founder of Minutemailer here. Our goal is to create the easiest to use all-in-one plattform for digital and content marketing. We want to help small businesses over the world become better at digital marketing. And this is how we start. We would love to hear what you think about Minutemailer and what you are missing or think could be better.
Hi @rich_prime, great product - I LOVE the simplicity.
So here's the feedback from a business point of view. I use MailChimp and am about to begin paying. I have 2000 subscribers and send out about 10,000 emails a month to them [not each... obvisously ;)]
This means it's very difficult for me to upsticks and move to your plan, as the price is similar, AND I also get quite a few more fields for each subscriber. Also, the lists can be broken into segments which I love and could not find a way to do this with you guys :(
Your product is lovely, and if I was starting out again, I may well have kept with your far simpler product and made use of the Facebook and Twitter integration [is Instagram and Pinterest on the horizon btw?].
It's all very good... but not good enough to force me to change sorry :(
@cute_life We understand. We have to start somewhere and we started with a way to edit and work with emails coupled with sharing and scheduling to social media that we believe would work well. We will improve a lot about the product during the coming months and some of the things you mention are planned and some might be realized in a different way from Mailchimp. Because we don't want to just copy Mailchimp but do something (hopefully) better.
@oskarglauser Completely understand :) I'll keep an eye out for updates - and perhaps begin using your site for a few of the smaller projects that I have going at the moment... should be fun!
This is such a great product! I mean, MailChimp is terrific, but also terrifying - it’s completely overwhelming. MinuteMailer makes digital marketing so easy. I recommend it to everybody’s who wants to get started with email/Twitter/Facebook marketing.
@alymoursy—You've hit on something there Aly. If a tool like this has a level of addiction then chances are you're going to use it more. And more marketing translates to better returns. Keep us up to date with how you get on. Or if there's anything else you think we should look into. Seeqe looks nice too by the way. We'll take a dive in right away.
LOVE this, and wish I were still running email mktg + social media. Mailchimp has amazing features but it can be insanely overwhelming for new users or people less-tech/digital mktg savvy.
Beautiful design. I love the content calendar feature - I'd need to play with it some more, but if it's pretty functional you should definitely foreground it in your promotional material, as it's a HUGE value-add from a content marketing perspective.
There's never going to be a single tool that solves all of our digital marketing problems for SMB, but it's always seemed weird to me that social & email are siloed the way they are. Major props for filling a gaping hole here. That said, I think integrations are key - the higher you prioritize an open API & native integrations for the major tools a lot of us are already using, the easier it will be to get users to switch over. +1 for list segmentation and +1 for instagram integration. I'd also add Wordpress (Blog + Email + Social = Three major components of Content Marketing), Eventbrite, and at least one of the major survey tools, e.g. Typeform or SurveyMonkey.
Good luck! I will certainly be playing with this.
@eliservescent Thanks so much for such informative feedback Elisa. Will definitely get passed on to the team. If, after having a little further tinker, you come up with any other thoughts we'd love to hear them. Thanks again for taking the time to share this with us and have a grand eve.
@dredurr — Fun is a pretty apt word Deandre. Hope it lives up to your expectations. Let us know your thoughts once you've had a play; either here or just boing us a message. Anytime.
@sluu Really happy to hear this Steve. It's all we've been focusing on from day one. Simplicity, functionality and being able to hop in straight away. Keep in touch and let us know if there's anything you think we're missing.
This is beautiful! The only question I'm having is why the price of a standard plan is 9 dollars but 10 euros when paying annually. Is that a typo? Otherwise 👌🏻
Hej, Rich here—another one of the Minutemailers. Really enjoying the experience and feedback so far. Like Oskar said, we're really receptive and open to all comments, suggestions and advice from the Hunters out there so do let us know your continued thoughts. And if you want to pinch images or the pressrelease for a blog or article it's all on the site, so feel free.
I offer you an unlimited french translation of the website against an unlimited free use for my personal account. Deal ? (note : no I dont have a million subscribers)
@steveraffner Thats absolutly interesting Steve. Are you experienced in translating? I'm sure you are a native french speaker but thats not always the same thing. Send me an email to oskar@minutemailer.com and we can take it from there.
Just seen this - there goes my Sunday! Looks brilliant. Was keen for coschedule but don't do Wordpress so I'm very happy about the possibility of this.
Update: just learned that it is not necessary for coschedule users to have wordpress so I'm looking at that right now in terms of content scheduling. Minute mailer however looks to be a great product for mailing and I look forward to sending my first email. Love the simplicity and my clients will too.
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