Wade Foster

Mission & Values Podcast — A podcast about how and why startups work and scale culture.


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Wade Foster
My friend @bryanlanders started a podcast for founders to talk about how they discovered their mission and values. I was fortunate enough to do the first episode with him. Happy to answer questions in the comments.
Bryan Landers
Thanks for hunting this, @wadefoster! 👊 The mission of this podcast is to help people align their personal goals and passions with the work they do. 💘 It’s the creators and guardians of company culture that are in the best position to facilitate work/life alignment. For startups, it’s founders and HR leaders who are the best people to talk to about culture because it’s their job to create, maintain and promote culture internally and externally, so that's who I'll be interviewing. Some startups publicly share their company mission and core values, but not all do. And for those that do share, there’s a lot that’s left unsaid. I want to hear the stories behind a startup’s values from the people who designed them. How did they evolve? How do they help the team make decisions? What kinds of people do they attract? The best cultures continue to grow and change over time, so the representation of values as a fixed list of bullet points doesn’t do justice to the messy reality in which they are shaped, nor to the potential they have to inspire us. I'm honored to have Wade Foster, CEO and Co-founder of Zapier, as my first guest. I can tell already that the format of the show holds promise, and I'm excited to hear what you think. What do you think? Who you'd like to hear on the show? Any questions?! 🚀