Luiggi Pera

Miventure - Mobile-first startup investing


Miventure is an investment platform that lets you become a ground-floor investor in early-stage startups with as little as $25.

The best part about the startups on Miventure is that many are striving to become the next Uber of their industry.

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Jason Crystal
Startups are notoriously hard. Most founders know the odds are stacked against them before they launch, but still work long hours battling uncertainty and rejection as they grow their business. We love founders who take on this challenge because they're passionate about the problems they're solving. Miventure is built on the premise that while building a startup is difficult, investing in one shouldn't be. We're reimagining how founders raise their friends and family round to make it more efficient and less painful. Our mobile app makes it easy for anyone, including retail investors, to research and invest in startups they believe in right from their mobile phone. We're inspired by the founders already on Miventure and we're excited for you to experience it for yourself.
Jason Crystal
@bochkovaleks we have an awesome team. We hope you enjoy the app!
Luiggi Pera
Coming from the banking and startup world, I knew how difficult it was to attain funding for startups from both sides. Too risky for banks and there were just too many startups for VCs to fund them all. With Miventure, we help increase the yield of available funds by creating an easy to use tool for your friends and family to easily invest in your business. Only takes 1 minute or less from download to investing with Miventure.
Ken Moo
I see that you are directing people to download the mobile app, do you have a web app as well? Anw, I'm on andriod I tried to click on the playstore button on your homepage but it directs me to App store instead. You might wanna fix that. Lastly, do you vet start ups who wants to list on your platforms? if yes, what steps are you taking to prevent scams or rogue companies.
Jason Crystal
@ken_moo Hi Ken, thanks for pointing that out. We use a redirect link, so if you use the on your mobile device, it'll direct you to the correct app store. If you do it from your computer, it'll take you the apple app store. Yes, we are mobile only currently. We mainly look for companies that are current or past participants of reputable incubator / accelerator programs. We also are licensed as a funding portal so we perform what are called supervisory on the companies. We do background checks on the major owners, verify they are valid legal entities and make sure their disclosure form is materially complete.
Dan Kabakov
Amazing product. Good luck!
Jason Crystal
@den_kabakov1 Thank you Dan, we have an amazing team!
Nice product. I will try this
Jason Crystal
@vivekweb2013 Thanks Viviek, if you have any feedback when you check it out please feel free to reach out.!
Jordan Walker
Great to see you launch on ProductHunt today! What you're doing in this space in much needed and provides so much accessibility to lots of folks. Keep up the great work!
Jason Crystal
@jordanlwalkerrr Thanks Jordan. We love using Yac as well!
i think this procduct is great
Jason Crystal
@lunanguyet Thank you!!! We're glad you're enjoying it
Andrew Reed
I downloaded your app from the app store, tried to sign in with apple login and when i put in my name and dob, it throws up an "oops something went wrong error" and pushes me back to the sign up page. Then when i pressed the sign up again with apple mail, it throws me straight into the app.
Jason Crystal
@andrew_reed2 Thanks Andrew for letting us now. do you mind please sending me your email address to and I can help sort you out!
Andrew Reed
@miventure @jason_crystal it seems to have sorted itself out, i just reopened the app now and was presented with the onboarding after sign up.
Jason Crystal
@miventure @andrew_reed2 Thanks, we'll take a look and make sure there's no issue. Feel free to send us feedback by hitting submit feedback in the menu once you explore everything! Have a great day.
Duncan Hall
Congrats @luiggi_pera @jason_crystal @john_mccrea - lots of good work gone into this! Do you have plans to expand outside of US investments?
Luiggi Pera
@jason_crystal @john_mccrea @_duncanhall Certainly. Once we feel the product has become self sustainable in the US market looking at the EU market definitely the next phase.
Muntasir Rashid
Congrats on launching :) The platform looks amazing. Do you guys support EU companies for fund raising?
Jason Crystal
@muntasir_rashid Thanks for your kind words, we have an amazing team! Currently we are only licensed and structured to support US legal entities. I suggest talking to Hannah Forbes on Linkedin, she's the EU crowdfunding platform expert and super helpful!
Nicholas Bransby-Williams
Looks great! Will try it out!
Jason Crystal
@nbransby Thanks Nicholas, if you have any questions or feedback when you do please feel free to reach out!
Friedrich Coen
Looks great, everybody should have access to early stage investments. Does the platform conduct due diligence to list a venture?
Jason Crystal
@freddycoen We do perform supervisory duties on the companies including interviews, background checks on major owners, verify they're legal entities, and make sure their disclosure form is materially complete. Check out some of the campaigns on the platform and let us know what you think!
Andrew Keats
@jason_crystal I tried to click through on the website to some of the startups listed but none of them seemed clickable; is it only via the mobile apps that it's possible to invest?
Jason Crystal
@andrew_keats Hi Andrew. Yes, we're currently working on adding invest from website functionality, but currently it's ios and android app only and the website is just for marketing purposes to help people find the app. We should have invest from web functionality within the next month, but highly encourage you to check out the app as well before then!
Jason Crystal
@andrew_keats You rock :) Send me your feedback to
Orrett Davis
Congrats on the launch. The app looks and feels well polished. I'm looking forward to making my first investment.
Jason Crystal
@odavis Thanks Orrett! Much appreciated.
Awesome! I'm keen to download the app and find out more
Jason Crystal
@sunny_dasgupta Great, please do! Let us know what you think! you can leave feedback by hitting submit a review right from the menu in the app!
Saskia Bader
I would have liked to try out your app, but it seems to be US-only and I live in Germany
Jason Crystal
@saskisnerdtalk Hi Saski, thank you for your interest in the app! Currently we are only licensed and set up to allow people with a US tax ID to invest. You can still check out the app and explore all it's functionality without investing and we are exploring ways to allow international investors in our roadmap.
Benoit Chambon
Maybe the comparison to Robinhood is not appropriate for you (regarding their last "scandals"), but your product is really smart! I like the UX and the fundamental idea, very good job guys and thanks for sharing :)
Jason Crystal
@benoit_chambon Hi Benoit, we appreciate the feedback. Really where we feel there's a comparison is we've invested heavily in optimizing the user experience so anyone can easily understand the investment opportunities and sign up and invest in under 1 minute! We appreciate you checking it out and your kind words.
I was about to vote but it says it's disabled until it goes live. Maybe resend the mailing list email once this is live, so people don't forget.
Jason Crystal
@alphonse86 Hi Sean, thanks for the heads up. We contacted support yesterday because there was an issue with our launch and they resolved it today. You should be able to upvote now. Hope you're enjoying the product!
Omer Asif
Great Product. Is it globally accessable or available only in specific regions and how do you place checks on investors for example, Verification and so?
Jason Crystal
@omerasif Hi Omer, it's accessible by everyone on ios and android in most countries, but in order to invest currently we're only licensed and structured to allow investors with a US tax ID. Allowing international investors is on our long term roadmap. Thank you for checking it out!
Doug Lerch
As the product guy for a company that builds mobile and web apps for startups (and others!) this is a fantastic app to help the founders get the investments they need to get things going and to iterate on their product while they establish product market fit!
Jason Crystal
@doug_lerch Thank you Doug for those kinds words, we have a great team!
Marjan Arsic
Congrats on the launch! I love it, well done!
Jason Crystal
@marjan_arsic94 Thank you Marjan!! Glad you like it.