
Mixkit - High-quality stock videos that are completely free.


Mixkit is a curated gallery of high-quality videos and animation, made by some of the world’s most talented creators, with all content licensed for free.

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Hi there! Mixkit is a product from us here at Envato. Late last year we started shooting a lot of video content for our Placeit product, and decided maybe we should release some of it for free — one thing led to another, and I asked one of our teams to open up a bigger gallery of high quality footage and animation from not just our team, but other creators. We’re excited to see it online, and hope you are too! :)
Silver Ilves
@collis you already have my dollars from placeit and now also my upvote for that! :) Looks great! I assume new videos are added without older ones to be removed?
Thanks @silverpool - glad to hear it!! 🙂🙂🙂 And yep, we’ll be slowly building the library up (rather than substituting)
This should become the for videos
Blair Fraser
Awesome resource! The site is fast, unlike some stock video sites where it can take a long time for videos or audio files to buffer. It's a shame you can't see who created each video piece. Good quality and well-shot videos. Please keep up the quality, don't let it get too "Stocky" - Well done. :-)
Aaron Rutley
@mrblairfraser Hey Blair, thanks for your feedback! We do have plans to credit each of the contributors as our community grows & we do plan to keep up the quality!
Ross Macfarlane
Nice start - some decent videos. I think the next steps are to drastically up the database, and add that all important search button. Just feels a bit like a portfolio at the moment. What's next for you guys, where is this gonna go? 😃
Aaron Rutley
@ross_macfarlane2 Hey Ross, Thanks for your feedback! We have a bunch of videos in our pipeline and we'll have keyword search soon!
Thomas Davis
I love it
Aaron Rutley
@thomasdav_is Thanks Thomas!
Vladimir Lugovsky
Really happy to see videos of such quality and for free. Do you plan to continue shooting videos to keep adding 10 free each week or do you already have many of them that aren't published yet?
Aaron Rutley
@vladimir_lugovsky Thanks Vladimir! Yes, our team will continue shooting videos to keep adding more each week and yes, we do have a bunch of videos in the pipeline that we'll publish soon!
Aaron Rutley
@bootstraptor Thanks Anatolii, you're welcome!
Roey Rafael
Awesome library, looking forward to seeing how it evolves!
Rob Hope ⚡️Yo!
Congrats on the launch @collis and team! Excellent to see a resource of this nature (tricky to host and curate) backed with some muscle like Envato. My biggest suggestion is being able to download a "comp" version of each video.. at a smaller resolution.. at maybe 20% quality. Will speed up the download experience drastically and allow me to quickly throw in several clips in my edit and see if they actually work.
David Baker
@robhope right click on the thumbnail as it's playing and "Save video as". That will give you a much smaller 360p video instead of the larger 1080p download file.
Eben Akwuruoha
Wow. This is amazing! Well done on your launch.
Aaron Rutley
@eben_gabriels Thanks Eben!

Keep up the good work!


Amazing website! So happy to see that it's not just a collection of videos of "white people doing things"



Ivan Bilak
So useful!
Prateek Keshari
Love it! Thank you for making it.
Daily Fire
Super cool!!
Nicklas Ben Rasmussen
Pretty excited about this one!
Andrei Istoc
Awesome! Will use in my projects!
I think this is a real problem, and there is potential here. Good job!!
Anthony Lee
This is AWESOME.
Aaron Rutley
@anthonygawonlee hahaha thanks Anthony! 🎉
Clayton Parker
Hot damn. Perfect timing. Was looking for some footage for a new YouTube video I’m working on.
David Baker
@unclejessy4real Great! Please share it with us, we'd love to see what you're making.
Vincent Tang
This is great stuff. I might incorporate these videos as background elemenets for projects down the road.