Nihar Bhupalam

Autotrack by Mixpanel - Collect everything and track anything retroactively

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Fletcher Richman
Aha. Mixpanel figured out that Heap was eating their lunch and decided to build the same tech. Good call.
Andrew Brackin
@fletchrichman Heap really isn't. Lager companies aren't using Heap. There are other competitors they should be much more worried about.
Matin Movassate
@brackin @fletchrichman I'm not sure how you're defining "larger companies", but you can see a list of Heap customers at and decide for yourself whether these companies are significant or not.
Fletcher Richman
@matinm1 @brackin seems like some pretty big players :)
James Futhey
TLDR; Mixpanel decided they wanted to be Heap.
Thê-Minh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey. I have been using Heap a lot lately and very happy with it, since it allows me to be very autonomous with product analyses. Good to see some competition. How does pricing work with Autotrack? How do you count data points in that case?
Tim Trefren
@the_minh for autotrack events, we only charge once you enable them for analysis (see
Harri Heljala
Sounds awesome guys! How would I go about enabling this on an existing MIxpanel project that gets it's data through
Diggory Rycroft
@harzzn You're actually good to go! The Mixpanel SDK is on your site via Segment, so you can enable Autotrack in your Mixpanel project settings ( ), then hit "Set Up Tracking". Furthermore, please note that Autotracked events will send directly to Mixpanel rather than routing through Segment / your other downstream integrations, since you're using a Mixpanel-native method and not Segment's `analytics.track()` methods. I haven't personally tested Autotrack-via-Segment on a production site yet, but the above should be accurate. Please let us know at if you have any trouble :)
Pame Valdés
OMG! I love this feature seriously. Made my day. Will make my life 10x easier.
Jean Snyman
Does this keep track of everything a user enters in a form? How does Mixpanel handle sensitive customer data?
William Ginsberg
@stringlytyped Autotrack does keep track of form submissions. However, you can selectively exclude certain pages on your site from Autotrack with a small configuration option in the Javascript snippet. Feel free to shoot us a note at for a bit more detail!
Chad Whitaker
Maybe someone from Mixpanel can answer this question: How are the retroactive elements tracked? Is it by the element ID or class name? I'm curious how things might be handled if a developer changed a button's attributes in any way.
Josh Wymer
@chadwhitaker I was one of the developers on Autotrack so I'd be happy to answer this for you. Ultimately it boils down to CSS selectors and you have full control over the CSS selector you use (should you need that level of control). If a change in your site results in the selector no longer matching, you'll need up update the event definition. However, since all interactions are tracked, you never lose the data even if you have to change the definition.
Chad Whitaker
@josh_wymer So, if the CSS selector on an element changes, I just need to make sure I set the same exact Event Name as before to the updated element?
Josh Wymer
@chadwhitaker You can actually just modify the CSS selector on the existing event and since CSS selectors allow multiple selectors separated by commas, you can just append it.
Michael Boeke
I've been trialing Pendo (which is also built on retroactive analytics) for the last couple of weeks as a potential replacement for Mixpanel. This feature goes a long way to bringing Mixpanel into the current state of the art. However, Pendo still has user guide features that separate it from Mixpanel and Heap. It's awesome to have so many great tools available to product managers and customer success folks these days.
Jure Zih
Excellent move by Mixpanel! Would love to learn how this could work via Segment.
Diggory Rycroft
@jurezih Works like a charm! The Mixpanel SDK is already on any site with Segment's 'analytics.js' library, so you can just enable Autotrack in your Mixpanel project settings ( ), then hit "Set Up Tracking". Furthermore, please note that Autotracked events will send directly to Mixpanel rather than routing through Segment / your other downstream integrations, since you're using a Mixpanel-native method and not Segment's `analytics.track()` methods. Please let us know at if you have any trouble :)
Corey Abramowitz
Love it. We use Pendo, and you can do the same thing, but it's extremely valuable to be able to track what users are using. Great job.
Paul Tomkinson