- On-demand mentors to boost your programming skills
On mkdev you can hire programming mentors and learn from their experience.
Subscribtion includes:
• Unlimited messaging in a private chat;
• An individual study plan;
• Practical tasks and professional code review;
• Lifetime access to the mkdev club.
I really enjoy being a mentor at It is a great place where you can share your knowledge with motivated students. Since I joined mkdev I've met lots of new people, with many of them we are still in touch. So besides mentoring experience and money you will also increase your professional network and meet a lot of young specialists.
Pros:Flexible schedule Individual approach, you are not limited by predefined programs. Mkdev handles routine with payments, marketing and sales.
Cons:I'd like to try work with English-speaking students as well.
Stanislav Mekhonoshin best mentor :)
Pros:High-quality individual approach
Cons:mkdev amazing
Mkdev doesn't just provide a platform for students to meet mentors, it provides a whole community and network. Furthermore, as a mentor, I can take an active part in improving the platform as the team is very open to new suggestions for improvements and act on them immediately in a transparent fashion as you can even track the status of the new feature you suggested. For me, it is more of forming a network with like-minded people than just the mentorship
Pros:Simple and intuitive UI, great support from the mkdev team and a growing community and network
Cons:Just 1 UI glitch noticed so far, nothing serious
I've been a mentor on this platform for quite a while and can say that if I would be on the stage of choosing, how to get on track as a developer - this format would work the best for me. Yes, you can watch screencasts, yes, you can read books. But when you're not sure where to put your focus, how to apply what you've learned, or how does this particular technology might be applied - you need someone's advice. Great if you have a teamlead or kind peers in your team, who can help you with mentoring and pull requests' review, however, unfortunately, it's rather a serendipity than a normal thing. Then Mkdev mentors are your best advisors and friends. Basically, nothing more to say, Mkdev can be helpful for different sort of people, from graduates or job shifters to folks with solid background, who is wiling to verse in some unfamiliar area/tech or just get better in what they're doing. Kudos to Kirill and Leonid for creating this community and platform.
Pros:From mentor's point of view: opportunity to share knowledge. From mentees': opportunity to get dedicated help from experienced engineers.
Cons:Sometimes it feels that there are more mentors than mentees. Which is still cool because of the community.
It's hard to imagine a better way for education than personal communication with someone who knows a topic very well. Every student is different. We work individually with each student because every student has a different background. I really appreciate courses and books. You can find a lot of very useful information if you have enough time to explore it step by step. But if you need to face real experience or if you need to improve some specific skills or you just stuck at the start - mentorship is the best solution. The education experience allowed owners to find the rules, how to make an education programme for a student. Using this personal education program each student can find his personal way for education.
Pros:I've been with mkdev as a mentor for a couple of years. I would say it's an excellent education platform for students and mentors.
Cons:The platform developers made integration with comfortable messenger, we can share code between student and mentor easily.
I would like to continue lessons in c#
Pros:Personal schedule, great mentors, awesome service.
Cons:There is no voice chat, but that's OK. A little bit expensive for a student, but still worth it
пытался сделать проект сам, смотрел уроки на ютубе и читал форумы и статьи, но все время упирался в стену, не получалась какая то мелочь и я сидел и сутками и ничего не мог сделать. Время шло а результата не было, и как то я разговаривал с другом и он упомянул что ему очень помог ментор с mkdev. Я тогда еще не знал что это, и решил почитать, и на сайт зашел. Сейчас занимаюсь второй месяц и постоянно двигаюсь дальше, и все доволен. Думаю что доделаю проект и потом буду готовиться к смене работы. Тяжело конечно, но с такой поддержкой все же возможно. Думал так же на счет репетитора, но мне кажется у репетиторства больше минусов чем плюсов, так как времени задавать вопросы очень мало, а ты можешь делать свой проект весь день и тебе надо спросить сразу а не ждать следующего урока. Поэтому я выбрал такой вариант.
Pros:Помощь всегда и почти в любое время. Можно написать и тебе быстро ответят на твой вопрос.
Cons:Думаю минусов нет, иногда бывает тяжело долго описывать что тебе нужно, но можно отправить голосовое сообщение.
I don't want to tell you more. :D
Cons:That's fine.