Start working out anywhere, anytime. With mobiefit BODY, there’s no need for any expensive training equipment. Don’t incur any extra gym costs as you can exercise at home, in the park or in the open!
@bradenhamm mobiefit BODY has similar functionality with Sworkit in terms of having in-app videos. What mobiefit offer differently is auto rep counting feature with phone sensors; free premium features like customized program based on practice test; the program gives daily different exercises based on the user's past performance, something no other app offers. Do try it out!! :)
Going to check this out. Weirdly enough, it asked for permission to access camera/photos but before I could decide, it moved on to the registration screen (I selected Facebook as login)
Would be nice to have a quick note giving a heads up on why you need access to the camera/photos. Usually info like that is quite reassuring during initial setup.
Love seeing apps like this. A great deal can be done and impressive bodies can be built with a progressive bodyweight training program. While they may be a more extreme example, gymnasts have built incredible physiques using minimal equipment and their bodyweight as resistance!
CRO Tactics