Dharmesh Shah

Website Grader - Grade your website's strengths and weaknesses in seconds.

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Dharmesh Shah
How strong is your website? Use Website Grader to diagnose your website’s performance on SEO, mobile, security, and more in seconds. Our goal with this free tool is to help anyone with a website -- developer, marketer, entrepreneur -- quickly grade their website’s components and find out what they need to improve for maximum effectiveness . We hope that Website Grader helps save time diagnosing, so you can focus on what needs to be done to make your website even better. Try it for your own website (or a competitors). FUN FACT: I personally developed the original version of Website Grader over 8 years ago, and it's been through a big overhaul recently. I wrote all the funny (I hope) quips you see while you're waiting for the report to generate. Would love any feedback or questions. We're cranking away trying to make the tool better. Thanks for checking it out.
Ben Tossell
@dharmesh keep getting an error when testing sites.
Rob Campion
@bentossell thanks for the feedback Ben. What's your site and we'll take a look? Some sites are difficult to load and test programmatically, hence we error out to the screen above. This may not be a reflection of the sites themselves.
Ben Tossell
@robert_campion it was Product Hunt.
Rob Campion
@bentossell We're looking into the Product Hunt grade also. Thanks for highlighting!
Jeff Needles
@dharmesh This is awesome. Pretty proud of the score I got (especially since -10 is just for not being HTTPS)
Hiten Shah
It's nice to see this change throughout the years. This is one of the first examples I can remember from 8 years ago of a SaaS company doing lead generation using a separate free tool. Nice work with the redesign @dharmesh and team! Feels smooth and simple, pretty much exactly what I would imagine most people want from a tool like this.
Dharmesh Shah
@hnshah Thanks, Hiten. Hard to believe it's been that long Appreciate all your support of me -- and HubSpot, over the years.
Ali R. Tariq
I've used variations of these kinds of tools before and their results left me feeling unfulfilled. This was different, though. Took me through the steps clearly and gave actionable results that I suspected my site was suffering from but never quantified before. Pretty sure I'll be using this again! Good job.
Ghost Kitty
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Dharmesh Shah
@itsnblackburn You're welcome. Thanks for checking it out. Anything we could do to make it more useful to you?
Ghost Kitty
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Dharmesh Shah
@itsnblackburn Ah yes, adding analytics is an important one. Challenge there is that there are *so many* analytics tools to try and detect. But at a minimum, if we don't detect one of the major ones, we can provide a warning. And good point on the cookie laws -- especially when we detect that a given site is hosted in a specific geography.
Ryan Hoover
This is fantastic, @dharmesh. Looks like we have some improvements to make at Product Hunt, fortunately some of which are already underway. 😁
Dharmesh Shah
@rrhoover Thanks. The tool is still a work in progress. We'll be working through all the great feedback coming in through the awesome Product Hunt community.
Clark Wimberly
Looking really nice! One bit o' feedback: I tried testing on a site that's just sitting on an IP for now, and it wouldn't let me (said invalid URL). Would be nice to figure out a way to use this on stuff pre-launch.
Emil Stahl
@clarklab use a subdomain / temporary hostname?
Ghost Kitty
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Raghavender Rao Jitta
@ddulic92 I agree. The tool doesn't seem to identify meta tags, headings and page titles. Also, the website I just tested was totally mobile responsive (bootstrap based) and yet the tool says it ain't mobile responsive. I guess this is in beta.
Dre Durr💡
The design is really beautiful. It reminds me a lot of @hnshah website grader Quicksprout
Mark Osborne
Very useful thank you! I usually use Google PageSpeed Insights but this is much nicer and touches on SEO basics too. Regarding sitemap - is it trying to detect an XML file or a sitemap page for users?
Rob Campion
@mposborne Hi Mark. It looks for a sitemap.xml on the root domain and also checks the site's robots.txt for sitemap entries (the latter was only added today).
Sam Schooler
I love this! The whole website is very slick. Even the loading screen keeps you on the site with the little piece of text. Pretty proud of my score :P ![]()
Ghost Kitty
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Dharmesh Shah
@dxripunov Could you share which website you've run through the tool? We'll look into it and see why it might not be giving you any credit. Note: This is not a perfect science. We check several factors to make an educated guess, but we don't always get it right.
Rob Campion
@dxripunov Hey! Thanks for the feedback. Looks like you've discovered a bug on our side that we've fixed just now (you should never see zeros everywhere). However, it seems we're having difficultly grading 4wknd.az also so let us deep dive into that right away.
Gabriele Manasse
Great tool but it seems like it's missing some of the key points. Tried it on a fully responsive website and it didn't pick up on it. Same goes for several of the website's features. Great idea but needs some more work
Rob Campion
@g_manasse thanks for the feedback Gabriele. Unfortunately the grade won't be 100% accurate every time. The responsive grade is a good example of this. Your site may be responsive but if it doesn’t contain a meta viewport tag in the document head we’ll class it as unresponsive.
Pritish Sanyal
This just awsome!!! First Product Hunt Post
Dharmesh Shah
@sanyalpritish Thanks, and welcome to the community. I think you'll like it here.
Dan Brooks
A great idea. I decided to put it through hoops, including VPN and found varying results for different countries for the same site. Is there any sensitivity to the IP address?
Rob Campion
@ramtorn Hi Dan. Thanks for the feedback. Nope, we don't take into account where the request is coming from. There will sometimes be differences in the Performance tab score due to network latency, but it shouldn't vary drastically. For example, if a site takes 100ms to load the first time we grade, it shouldn't take 10 seconds to load the next time. Hope that helps answer your question?
Jake Blakeley
I LOVE😍 the fact that this tool has actionable insights with things that I can improve on my site – something that's either missing or filled with jargon on other tools that I've used.
Divyanshu Singh
This is a awesome product. Tested various websites and satisfy with the result.
Craig Stanford
@dharmesh Well done! I love how you are pulling folks into the marketing funnel from a really simple landing page, and then providing immediate gratification and value at the same time.
Francesco Strazzante
Wow it's awesome! It says where you're site goes wrong and how to repair! The advices are really helpful! Thanks for this!
Leonel More
I like how Website Grader shows the results. I believe it would be nice if you add a link to download the report in a pdf format (just a print-in-a-pdf file style would work).
This is a great tool - beautifully designed and with clear feedback and recommendations. Kudos