Matt Steedman

Mochi - Take notes in markdown, review them with spaced repetition


Spaced repetition is a powerful way to remember just about anything. With Mochi, you can seamlessly turn your notes into flash cards and study them at optimal intervals with Mochi's simple spaced repetition algorithm.

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Sam Blackman
I think sleek, general-purpose SRS apps like this have huge potential. E.g. Anki is a bit clunky, Duolingo is language only and not configurable. Language learning and rote-memorization for things like med school, law school or standardized tests are clear opportunities. What are the other clear use cases?
Matt Steedman
@tsamb Right now these types of apps are for reinforcing already learned material, but I think there's potential in integrating SRS directly in the learning process itself. Mochi isn't quite there yet but my vision for notes includes this idea.
Matt Steedman
Hey everyone, I built Mochi to help me study Japanese, but it's not limited to Japanese, or even language learning itself. Spaced repetition is a powerful way to remember just about anything you learn.
Fedotov Maxim
@matt_steedman This is fantastic, going to move my Japanese notes from Nuclino - here. Can you add Some more import options?
Matt Steedman
@doutatsu Absolutely, importing markdown files is next on the backlog.
Matthew Morrison
@matt_steedman Will it eventually work with pre-made Anki decks?
Matt Steedman
@matthew_morrison It already works with pre-made Anki decks. I think there was a mistake in the FAQ earlier that said ti didn't. Check this blog post for more details:
Vlad Korobov
awesome product @matt_steedman, could you tell more about technology behind it?
Matt Steedman
@vladkorobov Thanks! I'm using Electron + Clojurescript. I've been very happy with both so far.
Keir Williams
What algorithm are you using for the spaced repetition?
Matt Steedman
@keirwilliams It's essentially SM-2 but with constant easing factor.
Keir Williams
@matt_steedman Ah, it's a no go for me then. Not all flashcards are equal in their memorability and need that ease factor adjustment to make sure they're not shown too soon or too late. Some content is more easily remembered than others and vice versa. Ease factor adjustment is important for making sure that particular card is getting spaced appropriately.
Matt Steedman
@keirwilliams I should note that the easing factor can be set *per deck*, just not per card (yet). There are too many problems with variable easing factory as implemented in SM-2 and Anki to go through in this thread, but this blog post gives a pretty good run down of the issues.
matt medmedmedic
@keirwilliams @matt_steedman my problem is if you are using multipliers , it may again bring in some of the same problems of Anki like card accumulation. Why not use simple leitner boxes.
Matt Steedman
@matt_medmedmedic Hey Matt, what do you mean by card accumulation? A simple multiplier set up like 2x remeber, 1/2x forgot can look very similar to a leitner system. I think another good feature to add would be a "kill stage" where after a certain interval the card is considered "known" and no longer needs to be reviewed ever.
Daniel Thorne
I've been using this app for a few weeks to improve my Spanish grammar. I've never used any SRS techniques before, and Mochi's made it really easy to use. I recently tried out the paid plan, to sync my notes & cards, and it's worked beautifully! @matt_steedman, is there any plan for a mobile app? I'd love to use this during my commute!
Matt Steedman
@ldthorne Thanks for the review! Mobile app is on the way but I'm planning to make the web app mobile responsive first. Mobile app will likely require re-thinking the interface a bit.
This is what happens when you think of pursuing your idea to completion but never actually launch it to the world. Big congratulations on the launch and thank you for building something and launching it unlike me that left the same concept midway 2 years back (
Yaswanth Svist
@heysupratim Same here, spent lot of time on similar concept, I am light years away from MVP, so many features i had planned, i guess i had to do lot of deep work. 1 year back( ( short for "memory orbs" from inside out ) @matt_steedman Congrats for the launch. Your Product is awesome.
Lui Kohl
Fantastic, slick product. This seems like a way more intuitive option than Anki. I will use it when I start learning German again.
hi. I am getting this message: “Mochi” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.
Matt Steedman
@wlr I believe this issue is related to MacOS Catalina requiring apps to be notarized. I haven't had a chance to do this for Mochi yet, but I believe you can get around the issue by right clicking the app and selecting "Open."
@matt_steedman This is the most amazing thing I've seen on PH for a long time!!! You should feel very proud! 🎉 Super small design issue:
@matt_steedman Also amazing work with integrating hotkeys and markdown - very very thoughful!!! 🤗 I wish everybody would do this - and it looks beautiful as well - I don't know what else to ask for!!! Is it open-source or will it be in the future?
Rowe Morehouse
Great app @matt_steedman ! … I appreciate the regular updates.
Rowe Morehouse
@matt_steedman How to separate cards in markdown for import? For importing from .md, you mention to use `--- ` in the markdown to separate sides of cards … but you don't mention how to separate cards themselves. How do we do this? … (Maybe I missed it?)
Shadi Moayedi
I like the idea and would benefit from some of my grad school notes being turned into flashcards. But for me to use this, I would need it to some how integrate with Google drive docs.
Brandon A. Lewis
Can you explain how this is better than Anki?
Garet McKinley
Is it Mac only? Couldn't find anything about it on the site
Bader Bouta
Lmao, "Hi I made a Notion clone, how are you doing today"?
Matthew Morrison
Is there a mobile version of this that syncs with the desktop in case I'm on the go and wanna study on my smartphone?
vishal chaudhary
@Matt Steedman thanks man for this mochi is a life saver.
Emil Funk
Hey man, I have been wanting to make exactly this tool for years, but have never pulled myself together to start doing it, so thank you for taking making this. I absolutely love it! Some things, that I would love to see: 1. Image Occlusion: This is what makes Anki really powerful when using pictures as a way to remember stuff. If this was integrated into Mochi, Mochi will be unstoppable!!! 2. I would love to be able to change the note-window margin by dragging it. I don prefer a little wider field to write in, which is limited at the moment. 3. It could also be cool to have a feauture, where you could visualise the connections the you've made from different decks and notes (kind of like in Roam or RemNote). Thats's all for me for now. Thank you, again and keep up the good work.
Zen Raikou
The mobile app has few bugs that hinders my learning progress. I can't seem to rename the deck I add, it's always listed as "New Deck" everytime I add one. I can't also nest decks. I also can't find a way to attach medias such as images, audios and links. These are the bugs I've encountered that bothers me for the time being. I really love the idea of your app, please do a fix ASAP. Gonna use other stable SRS app for now, but if you can manage to fix it soon, I'll use it again.