I'm stoked about this. I really want a habit tracker that works for me. I already have the iOS app, and so now that this has a desktop app, I'm very optimistic... I know I know... excuses. But the more accessible it is, the more likely I am to get into it.
Hey Product Hunters!
I built Momentum because I wasn’t satisfied with any of the current habit trackers out there. Coming from tracking habits in spreadsheets, I found the available apps to be too cluttered and with a lack of focus on your actual progress.
Momentum is dead simple - With a quick glance on your wrist you’ll instantly know if you’re on track towards achieving your goals. It’s this simplicity that sets Momentum apart from the other habit trackers.
Feel free to ask me anything. Also let me know if you've got suggestions on how to improve the app. I really appreciate all feedback.
Good luck with your 2016 New Year's resolutions!
Thanks @matmaeh for creating such a beautiful and simple product! Creating Momentum for Mac is closing the loop for me for habit tracking. I love how Momentum is letting me effortlessly track my progress towards my goals, and look forward to access it both from my phone and Mac from now on.
I'm also very impressed with how you have built Momentum on your own. I expect to see more great products from you in the future! Keep it up Mathias!
@matmaeh Arrr, great! Would love to see a feature to make habits that happen every x days (Like gym, rest days)... and a reminder feature to remind you to tick it off (or do it)
@aaran_mcguire Thanks! Will definitely look into the different habit schedules. I think a lot of users would like that. Reminders are already implemented. Or did you mean some additional functionality on top of how it currently works? :)
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