Garri Gabrelian 👾

Moni Talks 2.0 - Crypto media for people to get into web3

Every freaking day we deliver important crypto content about DeFi, NFTs, Play-To-Earn, in-depth reviews and Learning guides, top interviews with market leaders. All this in simple and funky language.
Don’t miss the next 100x projects and F🤐CK FOMO.

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What's up, Product Hunt! We have been here already once; it was great btw. It's time to revisit your party with new features and updates. (Check the previous our Product Hunt launch here: My name is Nikita Gryazin; I'm the Chief Editor of Moni Talks – web3 media attempting to make crypto news and educational stuff easily understandable and enjoyable. What challenges do you meet observing crypto? – No educational content for newbies. Okay, there are some, but language is hard af. – You should check 100+ TG channels, 500+ Twitter accounts and 10+ websites to be updated. – You always have a chance to fall into “FOMO”. Moni Talks fixes it. Every day we collect info from well-known and underground sources to put it in one digest you can read in 5 minutes. Yes, we cover everything in the crypto space. And yes, we do it in human language with cool memes. We have 4 types of digests: economical and crypto news, NFT news, DeFi news and Yield Farming news. Also, we got projects reviews, guides and educational stuff. Social Media: Website: Telegram EN: Telegram RU: YouTube: Twitter: Join 20,000+ crypto founders, speculators, and researchers. We are waiting for you in our Gem City. And yes, I almost forgot our slogan. We appreciate your Time. Time is Moni. I love hanging out with cool dudes; you'll find me here: Telegram: @gryazin Discord: gryazin#4772
Ocxtoxpusx Naz
It's cool to be able to get back up into infofield quickly during work day. All thanks to a simple, human style of writing!
It's really best app for degens
@gaserd123 from degens to degens :) thx!
Gm and congratulations on your launch! I have been following you since the begin, so want to say thanks for your content. Obviously, Moniversity is my fav stuff as I'm just the beginner in crypto. Can you please share me some insights for this year? For example, how many emails you sent?
@ethereumsimp Hey, bro! Thank you for being with us; it's amazing to read such things! Btw, we sent nearly 1,3m emails for all this crypto journey time.
Artem Militonian
@ethereumsimp thank you, mate :) we're waiting you for the second semester in Moniversity
Garri Gabrelian 👾
LFG frens 🚀 Excited to be here for the second time :)
Artem Militonian
I like 2 things in the morning: - read the Moni Talks newsletter - upvote Moni Talks on Product Hunt 😸
@artemilitonian I like 2 things in the morning: - reading Artem's feedback – answering Artem's feedback
One of the most useful things I've seen lately, thank you:)
@iammaxrush Thank you! :) keep buldin
Sabah Kemal
Wow, really helpful. Congrats!
Maxim Bolotov
@sabahkemalcans thank you, mate ;)
Gm. Lfg.
Levi Adler
I'll keep this short...BOOKMARKED! 😎
Mark Beziaev
It's really helpful for me. Excellent!
@bezyaev thank you :) btw, you always can share with us your thoughts on Moni Talks impovements,we love it!
Винсент Фокс
Using the app for a few months, it's amazing! And great community btw )
@new_user_10420229f048ea806 thank you bro! you are our community, that's why it's great :)
Виктор Владимирович
Gladd joins you. Great product. Keep up the good work
@new_user_1 Thank you, mate! Keep buildin'
Maria Alexandrova
It seems to be a very interesting product. I'd like to check it out. Already shared with friends :-)
@maria_alexandrova1 We're waiting for ur feedback, thanks!
Cool product. Congrats on the launch.
@basharath thank you! :)
Love the community and the project, so many useful tools and loads of interesting information, thank you for your work, keep going!
@p_v2 we see ur love! we feel it, thank you!
One day this application will replace all the others for you. Except the alarm clock.
@ansvier Nobody will be able to replace alarm app... :D thank you!
Maxim Bolotov
@ansvier and the alarm clock too. haha 😼
Ефим Усатюк
Big Luv to Moni Talks. Awesome community, product, and content. Big peaks to you guys!
@fim0k wag1! thank you :)
Hi frens! I am use this too, all the time. I like it! Go on guys!!!
@lxcsm keep buildin' brrr
Denis Klochanov
excellent, convenient application I have been using for a long time, and the boys are developing rapidly