Jack Smith

monitor backlinks — Monitor backlinks to your (or your competitors') website


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Hey! I'm the Founder of Monitor Backlinks and I would really like to hear your feedback. Ask any questions or tell me what you think in the comments and I will reply. If you didn't get a chance to try it yet, registration for the trial is free and no credit card is needed. Takes about 3 minutes to setup everything.
David Iwanow
@girmacea Hmmm seems similar to https://www.linkody.com/ but I do really like the interface it looks fairly friendly and visual. Any chance you are going to integrate Majestic data? The only point I can see is that it could get expensive if you wanted to monitor a lot of domains, I'm not saying the cost is not worth it but maybe something to consider. I do understand that you offer keyword tracking and not just backlinks also which does explain some of the pricing points but still seems a bit steep.
@davidiwanow Linkody are copying everything that we do for 2 years now (copying text, html code, images, blog theme, icons, ...) ... low-life "entrepreneurs". Majestic Data will be available in about 2-3 weeks (included in the plan). We include in our plan also competitors, custom plan can have less competitors or none that makes it cheaper.
Jack Smith
Seems like a solid resource. Free test demonstrates its capabilities.
Benjamin Hoffman
trying to understand the difference between this and OSE/ahref/majestic?
We reduce a lot the noise and time taken to understand and monitor in the long term your progress. In other tools, you usually go and discover all the links (OSE/Ahrefs/Majestic are doing a great job), but after 2 months if you go again, you will just get a list of all the links again and have to REMEMBER what you have seen, what is new. Even if they have new links, they will show you new site-wide links from already seen domains. We actually integrate with Ahrefs for new links discovery and competitors metrics, Majestic (very soon) for metrics, Moz for metrics and reduce the noise, sending email alerts with weekly changes and daily new unique domain links and current link changes. cc @benhoffman_
Jüri Kaljundi
@benhoffman_ @girmacea Happy user here. But during the last few months we've started to get a lot of old links from 2013-2014 and earlier this year. Has something changed that so much old stuff is coming in? Keep up the good work otherwise!
Aaron Hanson
I used the free trial a few months ago and was really happy with the emails reports of competitor's backlinks. I'm a small startup so $24/month is too expensive for me, for now! Hope to use it soon.
Jüri Kaljundi
@crixlet Discover one new link to your startup quickly using it, get involved in the comments and sharing, get at least a few new customers. $24 made back multiple times :)
Laurent Sabbah
Seems like a nice product, although there's lots of competition and I'm not sure how this really differentiates from them? I see you reduce a lot of noise and so on, but is there anything bigger than that? One more thing, there's a lot going on on your pricing page...it's really overwhelming, you should split test a much simpler one!
Fatima Rizwan
Well, I tried setting up an account but it didn't work. It says, the service is currently unavailable.
@fatimarizwan Monitor Backlinks is currently not opened in all countries due to limitation of our resources and customer support. It will be available everywhere in the near future.
Thank you for everyone who voted so far. I looked at the profile of every one of you :)
Saijo George
@girmacea congrats you guys :)
@saijo_george hip hip hooray :)
Pravin Singh
used the trial! good work I must say but its a bit expensive for me :(
Igor Kamenev
I got "We are sorry, but the service is not currently available." while register.
Nishant Gupta
I am not able to signup. It says "We are sorry, but the service is not currently available".
Eddie Brennan

Help resolve a huge issue with my website.



Very informative

