
MonitUp - Freelancer - Productivity measurement tool for freelancers


MonitUp is a tool that allows you to track the productivity and working hours of your freelancers.

You can track which application your freelancer uses and for how long, and how long he or she worked for which job. It takes automatic screenshots every 5 min.

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Faruk Durak
Hey Product Hunts, I’m Faruk, founder of MonitUp. We are here for the 2nd time, the first time we, our product and our launch page were not that good. We learned a lot from your first launch, we found new customers from 10 different countries and we developed MonitUp with the feedback of our customers, but now we are like a bomb and we are here again. Now we work with many more freelancers, but how efficiently do freelancers work for you? MonitUp measures the productivity of teams and freelancers. How does it work? First of all, you should briefly enter your work title on MonitUp and you need to set the weekly maximum working limit. When your freelancer runs MonitUp The work list assigned to your freelancer will appear in front of your freelancer. Your freelancer has to choose which job he will do and press the ON button. And so the whole tracking process will start working. So what will you follow? You can see which application and how long the freelancer uses while doing your job, and you can see which website your freelancer visits. It takes automatic screenshots every 5 minutes. You can divide the applications into 3 different categories as efficient, inefficient and neutral. Thus, you can see how efficiently they work at which hours, how many hours they work daily, weekly and for that job. We would love to hear your suggestions, complaints and comments, we are working hard to make MonitUp a much more useful tool. Your comments are very important to us. Thank you for your support.
Faruk Durak
@nok_moe Thank you for your support :)
Faruk Durak
@megan_brain1 Thank you for your support :)
Mehmet Caner ErtΓΌzΓΌn
Congratulations on the launch! It's easy to monitor your freelancer employees and measure their performance with Monitup.
Faruk Durak
@mehmet_caner_ertuzun Thanks Mehmet :)
Faruk Durak
@pavell2l Thanks Pavel, this is on my mind.
Dan Robins
Coming from someone who at one stage was managing around 6-8 freelance designers at any one time, this app looks like a game changer!
Faruk Durak
@dan_robins Thanks for your comment, many countries have economic problems. Companies have to work more efficiently.
Mustafa Ergisi
It is really cool. It helps you manage your freelancers and saves you a lot of time to find out which hours were spent on which project. Congrats on the launch!
Faruk Durak
@mustafaergisi Thanks Mustafa, we look forward to hearing your suggestions for adding new features to MonitUp.
Mariam Yusuf
Awesome Faruk! Congrats on the launch!
Faruk Durak
@mariamyusuf_ Thanks Mariam, we'll be back soon with new features.
Cem Özçelik
Congrats @farukdurak πŸš€
Faruk Durak
@cem_ozcelik πŸš€πŸš€
Dilan Laçin
Congrats on the launch! @farukdurak
Faruk Durak
@dilan_lacin Thanks Dilan :)
Cem Bulut
Congrats on the launch guys!
Faruk Durak
@cem_bulut Thanks for your support Cem :)
Mohan Niroula
We usually don't track people, but there are cases where we would need to track everything while hiring third party resources or freelancers to track the time. Based on the screens and reports, we can find out the productivity and help them increase it. Congratulations on your PH lunch. Cheers Faruk and the team!!
Faruk Durak
@mniroula Thank you for your comment Mohan. Freelancers are now more in our lives and there are economic problems in many countries. Firms have to work more efficiently and increase their profitability.
Mohan Niroula
@farukdurak: True, and in the next few years freelancers will take even more space, and we need MonitUp to track everything.
Fatma Kiraz
It is really important for me to track my time while I've been working on my freelance products. This tool is more than this! Agencies should definitely take a look at this to track their freelancers' productivity. Congrats πŸš€ πŸš€
Faruk Durak
@hey_fk Thank you very much Fatma, companies have to be more efficient. Many countries are experiencing economic contractions.
Denizcan Sanlav
congrats for launch
Faruk Durak
@denizcansanlav Thanks Denizcan
Muhammet Γ‡alış
Congratulations, it's a very useful product. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Faruk Durak
@umut_dunyasi Thanks Muhammet :)
Hey PH Fam! Super excited to hunt and share MonitUp with you all. In this gig economy, MonitUp measures the productivity of teams and freelancers. Check it out and share your feedback with us. @farukdurak is super excited to hear you :)
Faruk Durak
@adityavsc Thanks for your support Aditya :)
Nilayan Ghosh
Congratulations on the launch!
Faruk Durak
@nilayanghosh Thanks Nilayan :)
Selim Karakas
Such a great idea πŸ’‘ It might be change the way of freelancing, good luck!
Faruk Durak
@selim_karakas Thanks Selim :)
Nazli Gulenc
Congrats πŸŽ‰
Faruk Durak
@nazli_gulenc Thanks NazlΔ± :)
Vladimir Rechnov
Congratulations on the launch! Seems like an interesting tool! Good luck in development
Faruk Durak
@turvodnik Thanks Π’Π»Π°Π΄ΠΈΠΌΠΈΡ€, New features will be coming very soon.
Harsh Makadia
Congratulations on the launch!
Faruk Durak
@makadiaharsh Thanks Harsh :)
Umut SΓΆnmez
Congrats and good luck with the launch.
Faruk Durak
@umut_sonmez Thanks Umut :)
Shushant Lakhyani
This is so supercool! Congratulations on the launch!
Faruk Durak
@shushant_lakhyani Thank you very much, I would love to hear if you have any suggestions to improve MonitUp.
Srinivas (P.R)
A much needed for all leveraging freelance force. Great work πŸ‘πŸ»
Faruk Durak
@ragztweets Thank you very much, I would love to hear if you have any suggestions to improve MonitUp.