Monogram by Moo
Share your work, simply and beautifully
Robleh Jama
Monogram by Moo β€” Share your work, simply and beautifully
Robleh Jama
Here's a nice looking and smart mobile portfolio app from Moo - - you can organize your work With the ability to share your work if you're offline and via the web.
Utku Can
Thanks for submitting @robjama. πŸ‘‹πŸΌHey! I'm Utku and I worked as the product lead on Monogram. A team of five of us made Monogram here in London, UK. If you have any questions, post away and I'll answer them here. Thanks!
Utku Can
I thought it might be fun to share some of the story of how Monogram came to be. Here is the first paper prototype of Monogram @tomtaylor and I made. At the time, Monogram would be called Origami or Mosaic, and we went with Mosaic. (We were never sure on the name, and about a couple of months to launch, we changed it to Monogram.) The original idea was to let you create something that was between an online profile, portfolio, and a CV that lived on your mobile phone and used a bunch of services you connected to it. We pitched the idea with this very paper prototype to @richardmoross, the CEO of MOO.
Utku Can
We burned through a *lot* of Luxe cards prototyping. Luckily, they were free! 😁
Utku Can
Here are some of the initial wireframes I had drawn up for card types. On the first iteration, we were heavy on a LinkedIn integration that would pull in rich data about what you do at work. Unfortunately, LinkedIn aren't willing to open up API access to support cards like that, leading us to abandon idea...
Utku Can
At the same time, we were doing early visual explorations of how Monogram cards may look. Shout out to @socketstudios for the amazing work on these. I'm still hoping we get to implement some of these ideas in the later versions.
Tom Richards
Looks great Utku :)
Charlie Rowat
I beta tested this and found it so easy to use. My job is so hard to explain to people, so it's nice to have something lightweight that I can point them to where I can tell the story. It reminds me in a way of Both are visual alternatives to LinkedIn. @utku - do you have any plans to add a social network aspect, for example being able to browse other monograms?
Steven Rueter
I have to say, I love everything Moo does. I've used them all, and Moo tops each and every competitor. Great product, great customer service. This is pretty sweet, too. Not sure why it's rated 17+, though...
Utku Can
@rueter Thanks Steven! Much like apps like Twitter or Facebook, there is an in app browser that will launch links in Monogram. According to App Store guidelines, this classifies as unrestricted web access. The rating is then automatically assigned by Apple due to this.
Steven Rueter
@utku The best way to get around that is to import the SafariServices module into the view controller presenting the links and use an SFSafariViewController. This restricts the user from using the browser's input bar to go to other URLs, and allows you to drop the age restriction without violating Apple's App Store guidelines. πŸ‹πŸΎ