Corey Haggard

Moodily - Gather and collaborate on design inspiration


Moodily is a simple but powerful moodboard builder that allows you to easily gather and collaborate on design inspiration among your team or your clients.

It's geared entirely to designers to brand, digital, web and mobile application designers. Easily invite your team or your clients to help you gather inspiration on moodboards for projects.

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Brady Shearer
Love this! We've launched a handful of brands in the last year and mood boards are always the launchpad for getting started.
Mamun Srizon
Keep up the great work
Corey Haggard
@mamunsrizon thanks so much Mamun for support. We love the design community for that very reason!
Brad Weaver
Great job guys! It looks really cool. I'll check it out a bit next week in parallel with our current tools to see how it does. I'm sure there's some shakeout with performance (always is) and I'll keep my eyes open for anything I can share. One question is the decision on the pricing model. I think it's spot on, but I do wonder if there's a way to allow a collaborative option without a 5 team block? I know it's got a lot to do with the costs and tools involved at that point, it may even mean a separate server, but for teams like ours that will never jump above 3 or 4, and flex in that window, it's a hard sell to add $54 (at annual billing) on top of what we're already going to have to pay for InVision, which includes Boards. While Boards isn't anywhere near this good, it's also a hard sell for small shops that absolutely must have in-board collaboration with each other, and would appreciate Slack integration, but only need 2 or 3 licenses. Hoping you guys can find a way to scale that, but either way, it looks really good and I'm stoked to try it out!
Corey Haggard
@sbradweaver thank you so much for this valuable feedback. We are looking at cutting down the plans to just two plans. A free plan and a paid plan. The paid plan would have everything that a team account has it would just be 1 user, and you could add additional users for $5 per user per month. This week we are releasing an update which will have unlimited collaborators for free plans until we get the new pricing in place which will be later this month. Thanks again for the feedback, keep it coming it's so important to us!
Love how I can explore elements within the app.
Corey Haggard
@huangdun thanks so much, and I am glad you like it. We have some really awesome new features that are coming out really soon as well, which can be found on the roadmap link in your email :) If you have feature suggestions, we'd love to hear them. Also, let us know if you have any more feedback!!
Brady Shearer

The team at Mossio that created this are brilliant


Beautifully designed


More advanced features as the platform grows

Corey Haggard
Thanks for the kind words Brady!!