Ameet Shah

Morning Recovery - Helps detox and counter the negative effects of alcohol


Morning Recovery is a breakthrough, take-anywhere, liver-boosting supplement engineered to help you bounce back after a night of drinking. Now you can do more tomorrow without sacrificing tonight.

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Sisun Lee
Thanks for the love, Ameet! Hi everyone, Morning Recovery is a side project born out of our frustration for rough mornings after a night of celebration. I’ve been a pm at uber/fb/tesla, and balancing productive work with social life became challenging. So I made a trip to Korea, where it leads the world in alcohol consumption per capita, to develop the formula behind Morning Recovery. It contains all-natural ingredients that fight off the root causes rough mornings, including acetaldehyde buildup, glutamine rebound, inflammation, and electrolyte imbalance. More info on how it works: https://www.morningrecoverydrink... We’re now giving out free samples to collect feedback as we wrap up r&d. If you’d like to try one, please sign up on the website. We think you’ll love it! And we'd love your honest feedback! Sisun
Launching soon!
@sisunlee Do you deliver to the UK? Any idea about pricing in the long run? Would love to try this.
Jevin Sew
@sisunlee You seem to have nailed down the research bit. I'll be sure to get my hands on these cause my hangovers hit pretty hard.
Sisun Lee
@ramykhuffash Hey Ramy - Unfortunately we don't ship samples outside of the US yet. But we'll enable international purchase in June, along with discount for the PH fam!
Sisun Lee
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the love! We maxed out our sample giveaways at 200. My fault for not calling out our limited supply in my original post above. I did not expect such high volume/interest. We will send out an email to everyone on the waitlist. We plan to have another batch of samples arriving in May. We also plan to sell internationally in June, and will be sure to provide discount codes for the PH fam!
Clinton Christian
@sisunlee Is the Taurine ingredient in your drink vegan friendly?
Wilhem Pujar
Don't fix hangovers, fix alcohol in startups :)
Joseph Djenandji
@wilhempujar the true character of a man is revealed in his drunken behaviour
Eithiriel DeMerè
@wilhempujar 100% agree.
Farooq (SF Ali) Zafar
Your boy doesn't even drink (#MuslimProblems) but I'm amazed by the "scratch your own itch" source of this idea and the science behind your proposed formulation's metabolism. Great landing page design, concept, and the free samples are bound to make this an instant sold out smash hit! Kudos @sisunlee!
Sisun Lee
@sfali789 thanks for the love!
Kunal Bhatia
@sisunlee @sfali789 same boat here (#FitnessProblems), and I'll be recommending this to friends to get their feedback!
Marc Crouch
Ibuprofen, aspirin and dehydration powder. Once before you pass out, and once before you wake up. Followed by a Full English breakfast. Sorted.
Magnus Burton
@marccrouch the only problem with this is taking it before I wake up meaning I'll have to have someone give it to me while asleep? ;)
Paul Hart
@magnusburton @marccrouch and how english does an english breakfast have to be? I'm all the way in Australia, plenty of Irish around of late... does Vegemite on toast with Guinness count? 😉
Lisa Dziuba
I don't drink, but Hangover Drink looks like cool present to many my startup friends :)
Aram Shahinyan
I always thought the best medicine for hangover is TIME, 24 hours to be more accurate :) Would make a remark on the packaging design, for the moment it does look like a medicine. Is that your marketing strategy to present your product as a medicine? Besides, there is some stylistic contradiction in the product design, the upper side, as I mentioned above, looks like a medicine, and the bottom part looks much more fancy, modern and cool. I do believe there is some room for improvement here to make the product look more consistent.
Sisun Lee
@aramiggs honest answer is cost. we're currently using a default brown glass bottle to manufacture our drinks (cheapest) as we put our $ on r&d. we'll definitely iterate on our bottle design :)
Josh Fabian
@aramiggs I think the appearance of it looking like a medicine is pretty appropriate. To give perspective from another designer, I think the bottle design is on point and SHOULD look like something that's going to cure me from whatever is ailing me. The lower half of the bottle being simple and blunt, leaves the intention of the product crystal clear. If I saw this on the shelf in a bar while I'm out drinking, you can be damn sure I'd grab a bottle before heading home. When I'm drunk, thinking isn't my strong suite. I know a hangover is coming, I want medicine for it and if I haven't been introduced to it yet, a magic medicine bottle that says "The Hangover Drink" is a god send. Product design is spot on. I'm drunk right now and wishing I had one.
Aram Shahinyan
@joshfabian yes, what you say does make sense and I totally understand and accept it, though from marketing point of view this could still be a subject to discussion. I would really give a try to the idea of making two lots with two different approaches to the bottle design (1. medicine, 2. fancy new drink) and see which one is accepted better by the customers and market. This is the case when you can't be sure unless you try it.
Jane Moran

Funny how all the positive reviews were posted on the same day...


Cool Branding


Didn't work for me :( Still woke up hungover after multiple tries.

Morning Recovery
Hi Jane - sorry to hear that our first product didn't work for you. We're developing V.2 with improved efficacy, and would love to send you a sample for free. Please email us at and mention ProductHunt with mailing address if you'd like to give it a try!
Daniel Ressler
Hi @Jane Moran: Following up here - could you possibly shoot me an email to with your order #? Happy to process a full refund and send you a sample of V2 free of charge (launching next month). We've incredibly hard to address every negative feedback into this new bottle. Please let me know!
Erwin James Will
You have no idea how much I need this, this morning
I lived in South Korea for several years and have tried all the hangover cures on the market. Mostly they require you to drink them BEFORE you start drinking, and taste like a medicinal yogurt which feels like it coats your stomach and makes you burp.. a lot! But, they always made me drink less, so whether they worked through their ingredient composition or as a preventative behavior modifier... I'll never know. What I do know however is that ANY hangover cure drink is better than getting a vitamin shot in the butt at the hospital (a similarly common remedy when you have work then next day, as I was to learn from some of my coworkers - oh the stories I have!).
Sisun Lee
@travisleestreet yep! it's a huge industry in korea.
Girl Alex
will be trying this. for. sure.
Noah Kim
I have to ask since the bottle looks identical, is this re-branded Bacchus-F?
Mike Coutermarsh
@wuss May I just say. Your "startup in progress" progress bar is amazing
Brad Schultz
As an entrepreneur in the alcohol industry, I'm definitely going to check this out!
Mark Wai

Very skeptical about this when I tried it but I've been using it since the fall of 2017 and I'm often waking up after a night out without a headache and actually full of energy to be productive.


Surprisingly liked the taste, a sweet and light peach-y flavor :)

Also surprised by how much it helped, absolutely no headache the next day!


Sad I didn't get more during the pre-order!

Sisun Lee
@franciskim_co woot! thanks for the love!
Taylor Hook
In Canada we solve this quite simply by having a little hair of the dog in the form of a Caesar. Definitely interested in what this product can actually do as I'm your target market.
Connor Cirillo
I've been loyal to Pedialyte for this... but I signed up! Looking forward to seeing more.
Sunny Murthy
As a college student, I thank you..
Hyeji Lea Kim

I definitely woke up only mildly tired or feeling totally normal on days when I should've had a devastating headache. I wouldn't say it's a cure all that undoes all alcohol but it keeps me functional the next day after 1.5~2 bottles of wine and that's good enough for me.

Learned it the hard way that you still gotta watch out for dehydration regardless. Gotta remember to drink water!


Def worked for me consistently in all 9 times that I've tried


If you get too drunk to take it before bed... :(

You still need to hydrate yourself!

Matt Saperstein

Morning Recovery is so legit!


Works wonders

Tastes great

Great customer service!


Wasn't around when I was in college!