Emerging Tech Brew - From drones to crypto, keep up with tomorrow's tech today ✉️
Emerging Tech Brew is a newsletter that delivers the latest on all things emerging tech. From AI and IoT to drones and crypto, we decode tomorrow’s tech news for you today. Brought to you by the team at Morning Brew...because bots can't write newsletters yet.
If you like this you should also check out the Morning Brew for similar writing about the business world
Pros:Its a good quick hit of what's going on in the tech industry. Its a fun read with great humor in it.
Cons:Can't think of one
Beyond Identity
Morning Brew
Can’t recommend it enough
Pros:Voice, info
Cons:Not frequent enough
Would love if it was 3 times a week.
Pros:Informative, layout is my style, strong voice
Cons:Can get lost in all the other newsletters
The Crazy Ones
Would be great to either deeper into analysis given the relative infrequency or increase frequency
Pros:Great succinct delivery of tech news twice a week with some bonus humor
Cons:Twice a week feels light. I see most news on other newsletters/Twitter before EmTech Brew hits the inbox
Pros:Interesting news with personality
Cons:More ai death bots
Morning Brew
Complements the main service, the Morning Brew
Pros:Witty leading edge tech news. Makes you want to learn more about current tech events.
Cons:Publish more than twice a week.
I look forward to this newsletter every week
Pros:Great read. Complements Morning Brew with deeper dive on Tech
Cons:Only 2x/week