Highly recommend to you and your techie friends
Pros:Witty & well written yet succinct to cover such a broad space. Plus, there are gifs and quizzes to keep you on your toes!
Cons:Would love daily coverage instead of 2x/week
If you like this you should also check out the Morning Brew for similar writing about the business world
Pros:Its a good quick hit of what's going on in the tech industry. Its a fun read with great humor in it.
Cons:Can't think of one
been with em tech since the beginning. Wished I could dump my job,... mywife....my kids... I'd gig for them.. :)
Pros:a JIT up to date news about all things tech, the sister of morning brew! https://www.morningbrew.com/busi...
Cons:there are no cons... just great tech news, maybe if anything, it should be almost daily! :D
Would be great to either deeper into analysis given the relative infrequency or increase frequency
Pros:Great succinct delivery of tech news twice a week with some bonus humor
Cons:Twice a week feels light. I see most news on other newsletters/Twitter before EmTech Brew hits the inbox