Tyler Denk

Morning Brew - The hottest news from Wall St. to Silicon Valley, daily ✉️


Morning Brew is a daily newsletter delivering the latest from Wall St. to Silicon Valley. As opposed to traditional business news that is dense, Morning Brew makes staying up-to-date fun and simple, giving you everything you need to know in an enjoyable 5mins.

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Alex Lieberman
What’s up PH community! Coming to you live from Brew HQ in downtown NYC. I’m Alex and I’m one of the founders of Morning Brew, a new media company working tirelessly to make business exciting and memorable for millennials. From the naive college student trying to make it out of Econ 101 alive to the time-poor consultant trying to stay up to date with business, our generation deserves better business news. And that’s what we’re giving you. Morning Brew’s core product is a daily e-mail newsletter that gives you all of the business news you need in five minutes. It’s quick, conversational and reads like your chatting with your smart and sociable best friend. The newsletter covers topics ranging from Apple and Airbnb to Brexit and big banks. The scorecard: - Over 200,000 active subscribers - More than 2,000 Morning Brew ambassadors - Grown 100% YoY - Partnered with brands ranging from Citi to Casper to Duke University Thanks again for checking out the Brew and if you have any questions or just want to talk shop about media, email, business, etc. shoot me a line at alex@morningbrew.com.
Lama Al Rajih
I love, love, LOVE Morning Brew. I've been reading their emails almost everyday for the past few months, and I love how insightful, yet straight to the point these emails are (with a dash of puns and jokes in there, too 😉). Great to see it launch on Product Hunt!
Alex Lieberman
@lamaalrajih Thanks so much for the kind words Lama! If you have any feedback whatsoever please don't hesitate to let Brew Crew know
Kaan Pinar

I have been a subscriber of Morning Brew since 2015. They have built a community around their subscribers, expanded their writing staff and categories covered, and redesigned the newsletter to make it better with reader feedback.

Honestly, it's fantastic. Thanks to them, I have learned what I need to know about the world from a business perspective and was always prepared for discussions/interviews. With a witty sense of humor, their stories have always been a favorite for me to read daily.


Quick, fun, and on point. Great analytical coverage of business stories. Helps understand everything from a broader perspective.


Customization of what you want to hear

Austin Block Rief
Thanks Kaan! Appreciate the feedback!
2 days was done with this. Marketing themselves as efficient news but it's actually super wordy and fine if you need yet another digital distraction. . pass
Thomas Stewart
@kaanmpinar Hi Kaan! I'm a little late, but we've been working on Zip, which sends you daily briefings on the most important and interesting news straight to your phone - while making it easy to customize those briefings to whatever you want! Check it out: www.zipnews.io
Thomas Stewart
@hockeyshot100 Hi! I'm with you in looking for more efficiency in a digest. I made Zip, a tool that sends you a daily briefing with the most important news - all in a concise text you can read in 3 minutes. Check it out: www.zipnews.io
Josh Mendelowitz

Pleasantly surprised to see on PH. Definitely keeping an eye on them, they are a talented team and you get the sense they are only just scratching the surface of their potential.


Easy, insightful read. They do email as well as anybody.


You have to share to get premium content.

Alex Lieberman
Thanks for the comment Josh, much appreciated!
Jordan Levy
This is a great team building an incredible community around their mornjng newsletter. It’s witty and informative. Highly recommended.
Alex Lieberman
@jlevy816 You're the man Jordan, thanks so much!
Noah Hyams
Recommend it to everyone!
Alex Lieberman
@noahhyams Thanks Noah!!!
Zach Swetz
Love the Brew! It's the one email I look forward to in the morning ☕
Alex Lieberman
@swetzequity Thanks so much Zach!! Glad you love the Brew. Keep being a great reader and we'll keep cranking out great content :)

I have been using Morning Brew for 6 months now and it has been amazing. It had everything I wanted from upcoming events to current and up to date news. Nothing compares to this amazing service


Reliable, Good Articles, Quick and Easy, Interesting puzzles


No mobile App, No personalisation

Austin Block Rief
Thanks Hasan!
Kevin Newman
Congratulations @tyler_denk on your PH launch! I'm a big fan of Morning Brew and have been keeping tabs on your progress for the last year or so.
Alex Lieberman
@tyler_denk @kevinnewmanyo You the man, thanks Kevin!
Tyler Denk
@kevinnewmanyo Glad you've been enjoying it! Feel free to provide feedback whenever...always looking for ways to improve.
Brianna Wolin

Morning Brew is the best thing to hit my inbox I've ever subscribed to. I feel like I've increased my business/financial IQ at least 5x and look forward to getting it every morning. The team listens to their readers and makes worthwhile adjustments to content and layout, making it more digestible and easy to read each month.


Easy to digest, comfortable visual layout, quick financial/business news early am


Doesn't follow stories day-to-day {one-time features}

Alex Lieberman
Thanks so much for the review Brianna. Glad you love the Brew. Could you expand more on the "doesn't follow stories day-to-day" comment? Would love to discuss this more!
Emerson Dameron

Morning Brew is similar to Finimize (in focus) and The Hustle (in its young, irreverent tone). I subscribe to all three and they compliment each other well. Morning Brew has a particularly strong grasp of the stock market, and arguably the sharpest design of the three. It's assembled by cool, passionate people who know what they're talking about, and provides a strong need-to-know continuing education on money.


Concise, funny writing. Quick hits on key news items, with some broader context and plenty of personality.


High thresholds for premium content.

Alex Lieberman
Thanks so much for the review Emerson...and think you did a great job breaking down the difference between the three newsletters. Glad you enjoy the design and our take on the financial markets. Would love to hear more about your thoughts on "High thresholds for premium content."
Sam Marley
Love the read every morning, and having known about the team and product pretty early on - its been incredible to see their continued exponential growth. It seems like this type of concise, short, relevant type of content plays a direct strategy into an alternative voice delivery platform in addition to the email. Be interested to hear the guys and anyone else's thoughts on that.
Alex Lieberman
@sam_marley Thanks so much Sam!! What exactly do you mean by alternative voice delivery platform? Would love to discuss more.
Sam Marley
@alexlieb The content in your email could be delivered to me either through google home/alexa or a podcast link that would allow me to listen to it while walking/on a commute whatever it may be. Feel like that could be a really interesting alternative form of delivery for you guys, and one I haven't seen yet from a newsletter.
Olman J Quesada
I LOVE MorningBrew. The only newsletter I never archive or skip. Not only does it give you a quick overview of what's going on in the market - the copywriting is written in a casual and entertaining way (puns, jokes, etc) that makes it fun to read. I rate it 5 tacos and would def recommend giving them real estate in your inbox :)
Alex Lieberman
@olman Thanks so much Olman! Big fan of AppSumo, so sending some love back your way!
Barak Kaufman

I've been a long time reader of the Brew. It's a great summary of the news. The personalities of the writers shine through. I look forward to seeing it in my inbox every morning.


Great business news summary (best while drinking your morning brew)


High level summary, can't personalize by business topic (ie/ tech only news)

Alex Lieberman
Thanks so much for the comment Barak...and thanks for being a reader! Customization is something our team talks about frequently and is something we hope to explore as we scale operations at Brew HQ.
Matt Culloty

This has been the perfect daily dose of tech industry news to start my day. I feel like I am always up to date with the biggest current event in the industry.


Accessible writing style, laid back tone, tech and business current events, daily synopsis, brain teaser games, premium content if you share


Can't customize what industries you receive news about

Alex Lieberman
Thanks so much for Reviewing Matt...and thanks for being a reader! As mentioned to Barak above, customization is something our team talks about frequently and is something we hope to explore as we scale operations at Brew HQ. We'll keep the Brew community updated throughout.

Big fan for 6 months, every morning; I'm the kind to be ready to pay for it !

Keep up the good work guys


Quick business news - only the best - with humor ! - super nice team


When a less "californews" version ? A bit more global, European ? I'm French btw

Alex Lieberman
Thanks so much Arthur! Definitely would like to get some more global perspective going forward. Are you based in France?
@alexlieb Yep, I'm based in France (close to Paris) and soon setting in Amsterdam (go Europe!). In my review, I meant that someday you might wanna have a "global" corner in your Brew. For example, one area per day (Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Central and south america). With a resume of short news from a whole week in the specific area, maybe a bit like "What Else Is brewing" in the display, so it doesn't make the Brew much longer to read. Some idea for the name of the section : "globe spinning" "spin the globe" "Spin it" ... For example : << "Spin the globe - Europe" France suing Apple and Google for “abusive” contract terms when dealing with startups and developers - link : https://goo.gl/EVhgDp ... and so on >> ahaha just some ideas Good vibes with the Brew ! See ya ;)
Liuke Yang

App or podcast would be great.


Easy to try and easy to get hooked on it, just like coffee.


Could be customizable.

Alex Lieberman
Thanks Liuke! Any suggestions for what type of customization you would like in the Brew?
Liuke Yang
@alexlieb I was thinking an account website so members can see referral counts/merch they own/articles they've saved.
Timur Meyster
Really dope newsletter. Love the tone and brainteasers!
Alex Lieberman
@timurmeyster Thanks Timur!! Really appreciate it.
Taylor Johnson
Great news letter with a great team. Definitely a necessary source for anyone that wants to keep up to date with what's going on in business!
Alex Lieberman
@taylor_johnson Thanks so much Taylor, really appreciate it man!
Mark Sweeney

Good team, relevant news mostly, always on time like Ashanti & Ja Rule


Simple yet informative.


A little fluffy at sometimes.

Alex Lieberman
Thanks for the comment and feedback Mark! If you have any examples or thoughts for how Brew could get “less fluffy” definitely shoot me a note: alex@morningbrew.com. Would love to chat