You want to live your best quarantined life. We're here to help. Introducing The Essentials—the Brew's guide to staying active, healthy, and happy while you’re riding out the pandemic at home.
Hey PH!
Tyler from the Morning Brew team here.
If you’re not familiar, Morning Brew is an email-first media company. Our core product is a daily newsletter that delivers all of the top business news in a witty and informative five-minute read.
Due to reader demand, we just launched The Essentials—the Brew’s guide to staying active, healthy, and happy while you’re riding out the pandemic at home.
In this newsletter, we bring you...
- Ways to stay sharp—productivity tips, educational resources, etc.
- R&R recommendations like what shows to watch, digital or IRL board games to play, and more
- The most creative quarantine ideas floating around the internet
You’ll get The Essentials on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, perfectly timed for your commute home from the living room to the kitchen.
It was reader feedback that drove us to spin up this brand new product in a matter of days, and we’d love to keep that feedback loop going. If you have any suggestions or comments about the newsletter, let us know!
@tyler_denk Hey PH, I lead the editorial team for The Essentials—it's such a blast to write. Like Tyler said, if there's any way you think it could be better or more useful to you, we are all ears.
@tyler_denk@neal_freyman1 So proud of the team for putting together a tri-weekly free newsletter that offers a compilation of tips, resources, and reads to help you be happier and more productive while quarantined. Amazing how quick this transition from idea to execution (about 1 week). It's a new product, and like any new product there's opportunity for improvement, so please comment if you have questions or thoughts about The Essentials.
I've been a long time reader of the Morning Brew, as well as both their Emerging Tech and Retail email newsletters. They convey news in a bite-sized format and occasionally add sarcasm, making it digestible and fun to read. Love the new concept for this newsletter and am excited to find new ways to make the most out of this quarantine!
Very useful, but I was quite confused about whether this will a downloadable pdf or email etc - left some comments here about your landing page in relation to this that's hopefully helpful! -
@tom4 Great feedback, love the use of bubbles. It's a popup newsletter we just launched, so will hit your inbox M/W/F afternoons. We went from 0 to launch on this in 48 hours, so agree the landing page could probably be more useful. Will relay your feedback to the team!
Whoever designed this hot mess should be fired! What in the heck is this supposed to be? I luv my Morning Brew, but this is just crazy. I come to the page and have no idea what I'n even looking at. There's some kin of scrolling pics across the top with text so tiny that you can't even read it. Then there's a huge discussion area at the bottom of the page to discuss what?? Discuss tiny words and pics you can't even see. You need to go back to the drawing board and totally redesign this. This is NOT an Essential to read.
I already loved getting Morning Brew in my inbox every day but now The Essentials is bringing a smile to my face three nights a week, with fresh ideas to get me out of negative headspace (I’m tryin y’all, but this is a chaotic time no matter who you are) and into fun activities or recipes. Even if I’m not up for trying any of the recommendations (playlists, streaming, recipes, activities to do alone or via webcast, etc.), I just enjoy reading the light hearted and witty writing styles of the creators. This newsletter has been an unexpected gift to come out of the pandemic, and I hope even once things settle, Morning Brew will find a way to adapt it and keep it going.
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