Reinald Freling

Morning Mail - A new way to manage your mail. Tinder for email.

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Niv Dror
"Tinder for Email" :)
Andrey Usolt
Hey, Product Hunters! Morning Mail is a very outstanding email app. It's made for people who always want to keep their inbox clean. Morning Mail separates new emails from other mail. It represents new emails as cards which can easily be sorted out with simple gestures, one at a time. Have fun, be more productive and always have your inbox clean with Morning Mail.
Semira Amiralai
@usoltt any update on the Google authentication/certification issue? This was a great app until I couldn’t use it anymore.
Roman Pramberger
What a great and funny idea. This would be a perfect addition for my Inbox. Please make sure to put Android somewhere in your Roadmap ;)
Andrey Usolt
@talkb1nary Thanks! Sure, Android is must :)
Brandon Rubinshtein
These products make me regret switching to android 😩
Andrey Usolt
@brandonshtein We have a plan to launch on Android someday...
Aneesha Prakash
Love it! But, I label all my emails before I archive them - any way to do that on here?
Andrey Usolt
@aneeshaprakash not yet. But we're going to add label in the next updates.
Would love to try this but I am getting a certificate error when attempting to add my Gmail account. "The certificate for this server is invalid".
Andrey Usolt
@lindelof Hmm.. Seems strange. We will try to figure out the reason of this.
Kyle McDonald
Love this! But is there a way to add a signatures to your emails? Would love that feature! Other then that great job!
Andrey Usolt
@hustlinhack Thank you Kyle! We're going to add this later. It's so MVP right now)
Kyle McDonald
@usoltt Also notifications don't seem to be working?
Andrey Usolt
@hustlinhack Have no push notifications yet. But, there is a background content refresh. It works better as you the app more often.
Kyle McDonald
@usoltt Awesome, would love to see push notifications. I shoved all my email accounts into the app already.
Andrey Usolt
@hustlinhack Wow) Nice to hear that!
This might be the most beautiful mail app out there. I'm shocked nobody thought of this.
Looks (I haven't tried it yet) like a slicker version of Zero (, which I've been using when my inbox gets out of hand for a few days. Is it one of your inspiration, @usoltt?
Andrey Usolt
@anthony_abitbol Actually, I announced the concept of Morning Mail several months before Zero has been released. It was about two years ago, btw.
Andrey Usolt
@anthony_abitbol Cool! Would be great to hear from you :)
Vineet Shukla
very naaice idea 😄
I dreamed it last night and now its there. I'm shocked!
Mehmet Perk
Haha this is cool. But "read" and "archive"... Dunno if this is good. I think that a user should not make an action to mark it as read.
Stephen Thomas
Reminds me of Triage. I liked that app, but it's pretty much been abandoned. Will give this a try
Andrey Usolt
@stephen_thomas Yeah, this one have a similar idea. But the app looks like it was abandoned long time ago :(
Andrey Usolt
@nolim1t Glad that you feel funny :-))
Steven Rueter
Can't we just get rid of email altogether?
Edin Vejzovic
There's tinder for everything now. Another trend to cash in right now :)
Haoyang Feng
Nice design
Cool idea, kudos! ETA for and Exchange support?
Andrey Usolt
@batmanc Thanks! We're going to add Outlook soon, Exchange probably will be added some time later.
Jack Van Antwerp
This has amazing potential. I'm loving it and have dreamed of this type of thing for a long time. A. I think there needs to be ability to set how far back to sync. I think the size of my Gmail box is giving it issues. B. Unclear if if the swipe down is Mark as read OR I will read later Thanks for such a great product
Andrey Usolt
@jack_van_antwerp Thank you for this kind words and the feedback! A. How many emails you have in your inbox/archive? How long it syncs (average time)? B. We'll try to make it more clear, thank you!
Jack Van Antwerp
@usoltt I have an embarrassing amount going back years. I need to clean it out but that's another conversation. There is no way to limit it on the google app side I don't believe. With B am i swiping to Read it or to mark it as Read?
Bhuvan thaker
what about Android
Andrey Usolt
@bhuvanthaker One of the next big steps in our plan!