Movement is a book for travelers, digital nomads and remote workers who want to stay fit while traveling for weeks or months at a time.
It features creative strategies and tactics from professional travelers from all walks of life.
Feel good wherever you go.
1. remote working becomes the norm (two thirds of PH staff work remotely)
2. our awareness on how to travel and live cheaply increases (NomadList!)
many of us makers and startupers will (if not already) experience a lapse in attention towards the little things that help us function better. When on the road and out of our routine, exercise is one of those things.
Cardio being my number one enemy (flat-Earthers and obnoxious walkers come joint second) creating my own dynamic framework might be the very thing that helps me help myself.
One book for it all - I hate the process of finding out how to work out etc. Youtubers are always trying to funnel you and forums are littered with bro-science (third pet hate).
- Amir
Pros:One book for it all - I hate the process of finding out how to work out etc.
I hope this helps me not to stop training on the road
Pros:Should this solve the problem of many people