@shashankkr9 Wouldn't most clients pay you to know/do these kind of things? There's a lot of technical detail on there that would overwhelm many people.
@joostschuur I understand it's really technical but it's a great starting point for anybody to estimate and allocate dev resources as a part of their project plan.
@stilliard@itsiliad I noticed you used github as host. Github is like a safe heaven when it comes to hosting websites. Although getting https to work with it would make it safe for the visitors as well.
Very useful resource. Having gone through this pain already, I can tell how much this resource will help, if u haven't already done the move to https. One more configuration option to include is installing ssl certificate at load Balancer, if u have one.
It doesnt explain how to move your "social proof" or likes etc from facebook twitter... I mean at our site http://open-classifieds.com/ we have 2.8K shares and in httpS://open-classifieds.com/ we got only 1 ... anyone can help? ;)
@deambulando I did look into this, there are some hacks talked about but in truth it's something you sacrifice as part of the migration. If you've setup your redirects properly the shares will still work, but the counter will reset.
@deambulando well your domain is still out there on those networks so that's not lost. Yes the count will reset but if the only place that count is shown is on the share buttons you could consider hiding the count until it's regained some ground. AddThis have an article on this though I personally wouldn't recommend their hacky fix: https://www.addthis.com/blog/201...
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