Muji right angle socks
The World’s Most Comfortable Sock
Adam Kazwell
MUJI Hut — A very special little place, all your own.
Ryan Hoover
Normally I dislike auto-playing audio on landing pages but this site creates a mood that's memorable. Apparently they're being sold in August this year in Japan for ¥3,000,000 (~$43,000). There's also a YC company, Boxouse, from the last batch that's building something similar in the U.S.
Sam Alter
@rrhoover Muji looks like what Boxouse should have been... great site, well designed space, great visuals.. Boxous looks like they built their site with their iPhone.
Noah Kim
@rrhoover I think it works here because there's no apparent alternative to do anything else besides watch what's being presented (aside from the absolute sereneness)
Steven Hanna
@rrhoover Wouldn't that be more around $27,000 USD? I'm assuming its Japanese Yen not Chinese Yen
Ranjit Ghoshal
@steventhanna @rrhoover its £21265.51 or £27225.2100 - wow enough to buy a house in parts of Wales. Its beautiful but I wish these things come in at no more than the £2000 mark and is sustainable and eco friendly (putting together extra)
Jack Smith
love the design here. I've seen a lot of companies working on this. there was also one at LAUNCH conference. will be interesting to see how the competitive landscape plays out
Joshua Pinter
Looks beautiful. Perfect for the TinyHouse trend.
Bunkie guys did this years ago
Jack Smith
@ispekhov did what? designed a small house? nothing is about who is first. Uber wasn't first - Sidecar was, we saw how that played out. first = means nothing
Guillaume Flandre
I love it. Only the necessary stuff.
Daniel Foster
So it's a camper without the mobility? I feel like I must be missing something.
Stas Kulesh
A similar – more Shire-like – project from New Zealand
Nick Clement
You can already buy and build a designer shed with water and heating for $10k
Mehmet Perk
In Istanbul there is a library like that: made by PDG Architects.
Rich Peterson
I like the burnt cedar look and would love to see rainwater collection and a few extras (toilet, water tank etc)
Amanda K Gordon
Love MUJI, love this: it's true to their mission and a really neat expansion into housing. Nice immersive site. Would love to see more of this especially with housing affordability (or lack thereof) in Australia.
Douglas Evaristo
I need a bathroom!
This takes nomading to whole new @levelsio 😝
Csaba Kissi
I like these tiny houses. It's a bit expensive for me ;)
Nick Rodriguez
Nice coffin.
Snah Desai
Projects such as these and Boxouse give me hope that there is a solution to the housing crisis but I am concerned over regulatory pushback at the local level. Where will they build and will the demand end up negating the promised benefits of such housing?
Pillow John
When you think about it, 43k is still a lot of money for this size. This will remain a rich persons toy for a while.
Jack Smith
@arecenello yeah. you need land etc
Gabriel Varaljay
I love it... it is very close to @ENVIENTA container houses sustainability living 💚
abasa aka pfazer
This is a redesign of an older product. There's also the 9 tsubo house from Boo Hoo Woo if you need just a little more space
Jordan Fourcher
Sub suburbs