Music For Programming
Mixes designed for listening while programming
Tyler Mathews
musicForProgramming(); — Mixes intended for listening while programming
Matt G.
Been listening to this for years. The podcast download is very handy to have. Works great for not only programming, but as white noise for other tasks, too!
Taylor Crane
The inmates are still running the asylum, huh? Sorry couldn't resist :)
Joris Renaud (🌋
So great vibes! Love it
Ohad Ron
When actual honest real work has to be done, this is the doomsday weapon.
Muojama cyprian kles
@ohadisohad i cannot agree more with you. check out more work music by Nasty C here Thank me later.
Abhijeet S. Sutar
Look at screenshot, it looked like i have to play from command line CLI, but hell yeah its web interface made feel developers felt in home. and yes music mixes are good :)
Juan Trouilh
here is one you may like: , some designers have told me they love it for work :)
Duncan A Forbes
This great. Was only yesterday evening pondering whilst using Deezer for the umpteenth time that it would be great to have an application/site dedicated to programming related mixes or playlists. Can imagine a more user curated platform in fact. That perhaps has a less nostalgic feel about itself. More clean and contemporary. Though musicForProgramming() does have a fun user-interface no matter what.
Will Wright
Love the interface! Pity lynx doesn't support the tag, as this would go brilliantly in the terminal too…
David Diamond
If you're not a programmer but more of the business type, there's also some business funk for you
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Cool Coding Vibes!
Be careful: when you put this on you may accidentally start programming.
Henrik Harju
Kinda hard to use? Took me a while to figure out how to play the music. No way to increase/decrease volume...
Duncan A Forbes
@henrikharju completely agree. Has some what of a nostalgic feel about itself. Which certainly is less designed for your everyday user. Nice idea and concept though. Which perhaps needs a more clean and simple user-interface/experience.
Laszlo Levente Mári
I was listening to this for a looooong loooooong time and I love it so much.
Danny Fiorentini
Sick vibes.
Aaron Batchelder
This is awesome.
Chez Ackerman
OK. WOAH! I am always trying to find the perfect song list for dev sprints so i am super excited about this. Secondly, I think the design on this page is AMAZING!
Jason Waldrip
What is the site built in? It seems to be handling a lot of traffic at the moment...
if it's for programmers, you need keyboard shortcuts
Victor Ramires
The selection of songs is really good. I've been listening to this while writing, designing, programming, reading, contemplating the absurdity of existence, anything.