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Chris Messina
Butt AI — A toilet seat that identifies you by your butthole
This precision health smart toilet uses an array of four cameras to perform urinalysis, uroflowmetry, and stool analysis. The system also offers user-identification based on butthole photography ("analprinting").
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
People are worried about facial recognition, but maybe they should really be worried about fecal recognition!
Daniel Kempe
@chrismessina Now this is the weirdest thing you've hunted haha
Brad Ungar
Why would you ever allow cameras on your toilet? I mean everything is going Instagram Live since COVID, but cameras and toilets don’t co-exist.
Peter Merrill
I feel bad for whoever developed the butthole recognition software.
Jeff Eisley
this reminded me of SmartPipe LMAO
Alamo aka 狐狸
It makes me laugh at first but then I realize the idea is awesome. That means we can use any part of our body as our identity, the face, handprints, foot, even butt hole, simply because all of these are unique, we are different from each other.
Brian Roach
This is gold.
Emily Hodgins
This might be the strangest thing I've seen on here yet. Why does the world need this?
Benjamin Lupton
Wouldn't it be more practical than having a camera in the toilet, to just have the toilet detect which devices are closest? Such as with ultrawideband chips (like apple's U1). Then the toilet can figure out it's me by noticing my iphone or watch is near it. Which would work for other equipment as well.
Greg Wehmeyer
That's a butthole. I'm looking at a butthole here.
Ben Church
HAHA. SHUT. UP. Ok ok. I'm team bidet for sure. I just think you need to get this AI a drink or maybe some PTSD councelling after seeing that many rear ends.
Nerses Aposhian
Hmm... what’s the purpose of this?
Dani Schenker🇨🇭
This is perfect. Someone is using my toilet while I'm at work. I need to find out who. How fast can I get this thing? :)