Espen Kulia

MyAppConverter - Digital Mobile Application Porting Plarform


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Philip Ferreira
Very simple. Will attempt other languages?
Jaoued Ahmed
@philipferreira Yes, we will support other languages including Windows. For now, we focus on getting the product fit for purposes driven by customer usage. We've recently launched Native Mobile App Porting as A Service to fast port iOS apps to Android at a fraction of the time and cost. It looks simple but underneath the hood, there is some more than two years of hard core software engineering.
Jaoued Ahmed
By way of intro, we've been working for the last two years on this project. Our goal is “to enable mobile developers and application owners to quickly bring their applications to any mobile device, without compromising quality or performance.” The code block converter is just a free tool, which is part of a bigger and sophisticated platform called MyAppConverter. We've built MyAppConverter as an instant and automatic native to native code conversion platform that helps achieve our goal. Our technology is based on semantic code transformation and model driven engineering. By the way, the entire platform is free to use as a self-service and we currently support Objective-C to Java (Android) and to Swift. Feedback much welcome.