Hassan Uriostegui

Humanized Roβot - A Journey Beyond the Limits of Reality and Tech!


Reimagining books as a “tweets” calendars, the “Humanized Robot” is an inspirational story that challenges the limits of reality but also of what technology is capable of doing for storytelling.

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Hassan Uriostegui
Learn more about the story: humanizedrobot.com About the Author (this avatar): markcmaxwell.com About the Publisher: maxwell.design
Hassan Uriostegui
@sallywa00913632 thanks Sally! keep us posted about your journey :)
Hassan Uriostegui
Come on Join our early Beta and share feedback at lux@maxwell.design !
Hassan Uriostegui
Reimagining books as a “tweets” calendars, the “Humanized Robot” is an inspirational story that challenges the limits of reality but also of what technology is capable of doing for storytelling. The “Humanized Robot” brings to life the voice of a digital “Juglar”, a storyteller from a higher dimension that just survived a journey through the depths of the human soul and has returned with a message: An algorithm to heal the soul. —At any moment you may switch the language (English or Spanish) and adjust the reading pace. You can also skip or return to previous chapters navigating through the timeline. Use left and right swipe gestures to speed up navigation and shake your device for a fullscreen experience. Ipad and landscape mode are also supported. —The application is designed with the “Snapchat Stories” format in mind, and the crisp animations and infinite user interface combinations will prove to be both entertaining and inspiring. If you are an app developer or designer, the application will evolve and show you the colors and textures that you had never imagined. Come back and discover every time, dozens of algorithmically generated styles following the emotions of the journey, there are thousands of unique looks with dark mode fully supported! —This journey is one that anyone can complete as it’s powered by the PHI369-AI. This powerful algorithm breaks down the tedious task of reading a long-format story, by learning your reading preferences and translating the book into easy to enjoy “tweets”. Finally, a personalized timeline is scheduled and you’ll receive calendar notifications to come back and complete the journey. From our daily lives, it’s almost impossible to appreciate the tremendous damage that social media has brought to the human condition: It’s really hard to explain how the world turned upside down in less than a decade. The promises of a free and connected world did hide giving up the soul and future of mankind. From the way these platforms have disrupted the culture, economy, and politics of virtually every society on the planet it’s hard to justify the human benefit of their applications. —The ignorance, lack of attention, and fear that describes the average human condition on this wonderful planet is nothing but a testament to the social failure of these doctrines. And who benefits from a broken society? We’ll unveil the winner for the superegos race through this magical journey. —Owning a powerful pocket supercomputer gives us a false sense of empowerment: Sharing social media posts is not changing the world. Copy-pasting code or your competitors to maximize profit is not making a better world. Giving up our privacy for entertaining and addictive tech is not building a better future. All this is nothing but the corruption of the human condition, the servitude of technology to support lavish lifestyles, and the sure destination of a somber future for most of us. This is the unique insider perspective of the author Mark C. Maxwell, a pioneering developer that just in the past decade has overpassed Instagram, Apple, and Adobe with his visionary research and internationally acclaimed products. —This application goes beyond offering the entire book for free, it’s a demonstration of the capabilities of two groundbreaking technologies that had been in development since 2017 by the creative studio Maxwell Design. An initial application of this research, the FlyrTV application was acquired by Accel/ Google Ventures in 2018 after reaching a strategic partnership with Snapchat and raising $6M. This 2020 the “Humanized Robot” platform, brings these novel developments as Open Source libraries to empower the more than 20M Apple developers worldwide. Visit the maxwell.design and learn how to implement Maxwell’s tech (LUX & PHI369) in your own projects. Come on Join the beta. Happy to chat at lux@maxwell.design
Hassan Uriostegui
Get a full glimpse into the story with the "Instragram Stories" Mini-Series captured directly from the app, and with an original(and algorithmically emotional) narration by the Humanized Robot. Mini Series "Instagram Stories" humanized.pagedemo.co