
Mythia - A credit card for gamers, by gamers


Mythra is a credit card for gamers. Rewards include free XBox / PS4s, free video games, coins in Apex & Fortnite, Steam credits, and more. Every swipe gets a random reward. The app is designed like a game.
Promo: Spend & pay off $250 to get a free game.

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How come your footer links (T&Cs, socials, AdChoices??? etc.) are links to the home page? Seems a little suspect? For peace of mind, it would be great to see them updated. Thanks.
Derek Pankaew
@zambrella101 - Apologies for that, we pushed an update just before PH launch and something went wrong with the footer. We've fixed the issue, here are the links you're looking for:
Felipe Almeida
Looks like you're applying the concept of lootboxes to credit card use. There's nothing at the website showing the odds for each thing. Is this even legal?
Derek Pankaew
Thanks for asking! We post the exact chances of winning each item on our website (see "Contest Rules" in the footer.) As far as legality, our lawyers assure us we're in the clear, and many other companies operate with similar mechanisms.
Koen Everaert
@derekpankaew what about the obvious ethical issue? How do you feel about "lootboxing" a credit card and asking people to spend more using challenges, would you say this is similar to gambing (as the UK suggest we should: https://publications.parliament....)?
Lanre Akinyemi
This is cool - do you plan to support mobile games too? Microtransactions in mobile only games don't seem to be currently supported
Derek Pankaew
@lanre_akinyemi Hi Lanre! We'll want to support whichever games are most popular. Part of the issue with mobile games is there's often no easy mechanism for us to "gift" items. For example in Fortnite or Apex, we can easily send you vBucks or coins, but in a mobile game like Candy Crush we'd have to make a direct partnership with the publisher. So it makes it more work for us to get a feature like that implemented. It's on the roadmap, but it's further down the line currently.
Lanre Akinyemi
@lanre_akinyemi @derekpankaew Gotcha that makes sense. Maybe you can look at groups like EA who make a whole bunch of games for a top --> down strategy.
Derek Pankaew
@lanre_akinyemi That 100% makes sense! Just out of curiosity, were there any specific mobile games you wanted us to support?
Lanre Akinyemi
@lanre_akinyemi @derekpankaew Probably not because I'd probably spend farrrrrr too much 🙀 If you insisted though, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and Marvel Strike Force are my faves
Derek Pankaew
@lanre_akinyemi Awesome, thank you! I'll keep an eye on those to potentially support in the future :) I'll also take those games for a spin!
Hi Hunters, As an avid gamer, I've always found most credit cards a little boring. Airline miles are designed to be hard to use. Plus, I wanted rewards I actually connected with, instead of points I never spent. I wanted to create a product that's fun, easy to use, and actually gave me rewards I cared about. We built Mythra to be that product. Mythra lets you win gaming-related rewards that you're actually excited about. Each swipe gets you a reward box, which has a chance to win prizes like Xbox, PS4, free video games and more :video_game: Happy to answer any questions here!
Eva Shalenko
@ericlafleche upvoted))) the product is really needed)) I would love to connect you with the project the product that you both could make a perspective partnership)
Jaanus Jagomägi
This just looks like predatory gamification. Shame.
Erik Dunteman
@jagomagi IMO it's just like airline miles, but something that gamers actually care about. Credit cards already do this. First time use rewards, etc. I'm excited by this personally.
Jay Rosenkrantz
@jagomagi this comment is predatory gamification of a startup founder's soul. Shame
Ivan Zenkovich
Wow, you awesome guys! We are making a product for gamers too 👾 Congrats and wish you all best, mates!
Derek Pankaew
@ivan_zenkovich Thanks Ivan! I took a look at Skitch, looks pretty awesome, I'll probably give it a try :)
Gabe Perez
Congrats on the launch @ericlafleche! This is exciting for the gaming community. I like the idea of supporting microtransactions for mobile games as @ lanre_akinyemi mentioned. It'd be great if could update your bottom site links & social links on the home page once available so we can follow your progress and get more deets.
Derek Pankaew
@gabe__perez We updated our footer, apologies for the confusion that caused. I'm curious - are there any specific mobile games you'd want us to support?
Gabe Perez
@derekpankaew Among Us for hats, pets, etc would be brilliant!
Derek Pankaew
@gabe__perez That's a great idea! Once we have a larger userbase we'll want to parter with companies like Among Us to give prizes. At the moment we can only give prizes that we can purchase & gift directly, like Fortnite vBucks (which we can give users a code for.) But we'll definitely want to do that in the future!
Anna Van Tuinen
First of all, I LOVE the idea of receiving credit card points that are tailored to what people actually want (airline miles are pointless when I won't be traveling for the foreseeable future!) I'm curious if you'll be launching niche cards to other demographics (for non-gamers). I look forward to seeing how this works. Excited to see how the game-style interface works with your demographic.
Derek Pankaew
@anna_van_tuinen Great question! We will either go deeper in the gaming market, and launch other financial products for gamers (bank accounts, debit cards, etc) , *or* launch other niche credit cards to other markets. We're still figuring out which direction makes more sense, and a lot of it depends on how excited gamers are by this first product.
Harrison from VC Guide
jesus christ I want one
Christian Piponides
Promising app for the gaming community! Would love to see more information. I've added some feedback over the landing page - hope it helps!
Dave Lynam
The screenshot on the homepage shows a Mastercard logo. Is this technically a Mastercard credit card?
Shrey Gupta
Who is your issuing bank?
Kyle Morris
Nice! Wish I had this back in my gaming days. My problem with existing "rewards" cards is that the "rewards" they give you really don't matter that much ($25 off a starbucks card) after I spend $1000? I don't care. In video games though, a $25 give card can get me a lot, so it feels higher leverage. I see this having a lot of potential.
Derek Pankaew
@morriscode Thanks Kyle! I agree, I'd rather get a $50 game every couple months, rather than a $500 flight once every couple years.
Eugeniu Vozoca
Sus pi cious
Eric Jung
Is this a physical or virtual card? Or both?
Srivatsa Mudumby
Mythra means 'Friend' in most Indian languages. Any hits you named by that? xD -(*curious Indian*)
Derek Pankaew
@srivatsamudumby That's great to know! We just liked the way it sounded
What about the product security itself? Do you have regular pentesting?
Afsar Ali
Neve Jones
Guys before any thing PLZ stay home so we can defeat COVID
Igor Eufrasio
Just need some cashback to be perfect!