A system to get actual live user results
Zac Harris
Nacho Analytics — View any company's analytics
See anyone's Analytics account. View their sales, and how they get them, all in real-time. See which growth hacks work, and which flop. See which products and features get used and which ones don't.
Walter Chen
looks incredibly useful for competitive analysis. how did you come up with the name 'nacho analytics'?
Zac Harris
@smalter Thank you! I wish I could take credit, but it was all @mike_roberts_mrspy_ He had something like, 4 or 5 different names, and one of them was Nacho Analytics. I couldn't resist the pun (Not Your Analytics), so I voted for it, of course. What's great about the name is that we can also make pun-filled songs -
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@smalter LOL. The first domain I registered was "TheirAnalytics.com". But, was like - obviously that's lame, but I really like descriptive product names. So, I just thought of other ways of saying it - SomeoneElsesAnalytics, NotYourAnalytics -- then I was like "Nacho! LOL". I literally told it as a joke to everyone else on the them, but they all *loved* it. My 8 year old son loved it (and gave me some great advice about how nobody will be able to forget it, and that other names are easy to forget.) Even my mother-in-law loved it. Honestly, I was nervous about having a joke in the name. For weeks I tried to come up with a better name - I think RivalFlow.com was my best option. In the end, I couldn't shake it - it really does stick. So, yeah. The video below is true. I wouldn't let us get too punny too fast. I wanted to make sure that we built serious messaging and a professional brand. Our personality will come through naturally, and over time - and the puns came later. Fast and hard. I actually *reaallly* always loved the name, and the brand - but as a decision maker I try to be hyper-aware of my own biases. So, I think that's why I tried so hard to find a usurper.
Love the idea, however, unless you share where the data is coming from i am not buying.
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@ivbran What do you want to know?

Crazy when you know how it matters to have the best sign up workflow when you launch this kind of product !!!


Sounds really good at least you can test it for real :)


I never be able to sign up (coz my 2 credit cards were rejected no matter I try) The support can not do anything for me ok ... so what now?

Zac Harris
@webtikinfo Thank you for checking us out! Sorry about the payment bug. I've notified our dev team, and we should have a fix out soon. Can you send me an e-mail at zac@nachoanalytics.com? I can get your account set up so that you can test us out!
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
Update: We tracked down this issue - and it's now fixed and deployed this morning. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
lukas jorissen
Ubersuggest is free. Guys cmon first put it open then charge later. This is producthunt we make of break a product
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@lukasjorissen I'm also the founder of SpyFu. And with SpyFu, you can experience pretty much the whole product for free. It's been that way since the beginning, and I *really* like the "free" thing. With Nacho, there's a meaningful fixed cost per account. From a practical perspective, we can either have the product be self-service with a credit card, or sales-driven without one. I really *want* to make Nacho work at a self-service price point. I didn't start SpyFu / Nacho to make billion dollar companies richer; I'm not here for the establishment. We're here to empower the little guy the wreak HAVOC on the establishment. We’re here for the bootstrappers, the makers, and the game changers - the pitchers the grinders and the midnight coffee drinkers. You guys. The Product Hunting, entrepreneurs. I don't want to have an enterprise sales-driven company, because I can't empower the people I want to empower with enterprise pricing. I intentionally set Nacho's pricing aggressively low not because it's necessary, but because it's possible. Our competitors are priced 100x higher. But, f them. Products have trade offs. And pricing models have trade offs. And in order to to have a low price, we have to get a credit card up front. Otherwise, we get a *huge* amount of unqualified signups. The fact that you have a credit card, and the fact that it can sustain a $5 auth basically means you're hypothetically capable of *becoming* a customer. At SpyFu (and Nacho), we have a unique cancellation and refund policy. It’s an extension of one of our core values as company (which are largely derivative of my core values as a human ;) It’s called “Not Dicks”. You can Google “SpyFu Not Dicks”, and we’ll be the first result, but others have also written about it - and their experience with our “Not Dicks” customer service. Basically, even though it's a 7-day free trial, there's also a 30-day money back guarantee - and 35 days, whatever. We're not trying to keep your money. That's not why I wake up in the morning. Here’s a link to a video about “Not Dicks” - I fully explain it about 30 seconds in. https://resources.spyfu.com/spyf...
Niels Bosma

The copy "7 Day Free Trial, you will be billed after that. $79/month x12" logically imples that I need to purchase and nothing about any rights to cancel.


Seems useful. Almost too good to be true.


Was signing up but you haven't build enough trust for me to give you my creditcard. Service could be too good to be true.

Zac Harris
@nielsbosma Thank you for checking us out. I know it's a huge ask when you don't know a lot about a product/company. We should probably add the money back guarantee a bit higher on the pricing page. With Nacho you can get a free trial of Nacho Analytics for 7 days. After that, we kick in even more protection with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. Just let us know within 30 days after your first payment, and we'll refund your money. No reason needed. - No forms to fill out. - No questions to answer. - No hoops to jump through. Cancel Anytime Via Email, Live chat, Twitter, Facebook, or Phone.
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
I’ll add to Zac’s reply by borrowing a bit of trust from... myself ;) I’m also the founder of SpyFu, which has been around for 12 years. It’s a brand you might be familiar with. Nacho = SpyFu. Same team, different brands. At SpyFu (and Nacho), we have a unique cancellation and refund policy. It’s an extension of one of our core values as company (which are largely derivative of my core values as a human ;) It’s called “Not Dicks”. You can Google “SpyFu Not Dicks”, and we’ll be the first result, but others have also written about it - and their experience with our “Not Dicks” customer service. Here’s a link to a video about “Not Dicks” - I fully explain it about 30 seconds in. https://resources.spyfu.com/spyf...
I'm agree on that. There is only words to understand the product. I couldn't get any demo. Instead of giving payment info and refunding, i would like to understand some partion of the product.
Ken Savage
Very interesting product Mike. Am I able to see referral traffic and traffic channels from my competition’s Google analytics?
Zac Harris
Hey 👋 @kensavage You can see referral traffic and traffic channels just like you would in your GA account.
Sounds interesting, but if I can't even try one website without having to load my credit card I'll pbly won't do it
Joe Sinkwitz
@tgerin it's worth it; it is the competitive analytics analogy to using Ahrefs or Majestic to look at competitive links...if you're not doing it, your competition will.
Zac Harris
Hey 👋 @tgerin Thank you for checking us out. I know it's a huge ask when you don't know a lot about a product/company. The reason we do it is that it qualifies you as a person with the *ability* to pay. We spend real time and resources onboarding customers during the trial period. It's important to us that we are spending that time with customers who will ultimately be capable of paying for the service. There's a lot of moving parts to any product, and y'know -- *maybe* we'll make a cc-less free trial at some point. I actually am 100% certain we will - it won't be the same as the 7 day free trial, more like a demo account. But, when we launched, the goal is always to get it out the door. So, expediency is the other reason. If you decide to check us out we also have a 30-day money back guarantee on top of the 7-day free trial. You can cancel at any time on the website, via Live chat, email, phone, Twitter, Facebook, or you can send us a raven.
Mael Montarou
@tgerin @cygnusseo Ahrefs or Majestic have free trial version that you can use without giving your card number.
Zac Harris
@tgerin @cygnusseo @mael333 Thank you for checking us out. Nacho is a lot different from those two companies, but your point is valid. I may be wrong, but I think with Ahrefs you have to pay $7 for a 7-day free trial.
Pascal Krason
@tgerin @zac_t_harris How about just giving every potential customer the ability to try your product and just do your premium onboarding with the customers which seem to be willig to pay or those who heavily use the service?
S. Ketharaman
Posting here since I can't make much sense out of your emails and they're from noreply addresses. Your first email asked "Have you lost your credit card?". I rechecked my wallet. All my credit cards are intact. But thanks for asking. Just so you know, I bailed out of signing up because I wasn't comfortable handing over my credit card info to someone I'd known about only a few minutes previously. Then I got another email offering free credit with 2 days validity. Memory serves, the plan I was trying to sign up for was free for 7 days. Why would I need free credit for 2 days in that case?
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@s_ketharaman Oh, interesting. I haven't looked at the copy on those cart abandonment emails myself. I'll have to take a look. Thx.
Jijo Jose
Just going to leave this here: https://www.techradar.com/news/c...
Tim Shnaider
How about 3-5 large biz signup and compare their analytics with what Nacho says and tell us how close it is
Felix Kaiser
Of something sounds to good to be true, ... well you know how the saying goes. Great idea, though, seriously.
Zac Harris
Hey 👋 @felixkaiser Honestly, I had the same reaction when @mike_roberts_mrspy_ came up with the idea for Nacho. When we launched our beta, I was blown away. The biggest learning curve is knowing what to look for in GA. There's so much that you can do with this data, it's crazy. I mainly look at e-commerce sites (checking out their conversions, etc.) or SaaS sites that I find on PH or Indie Hackers. I am in the process of launching a single product e-com store based on the data that I've used in Nacho. I'll write a case study after a few months of being live.
Desmond Popkowski
@felixkaiser @mike_roberts_mrspy_ @zac_t_harris Wait, how are you looking up the e-commerce sites' conversions? I thought their GA setup would not be something that can be established using panelists. Do you just set up your own conversions to mimic theirs in a way?
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@felixkaiser @zac_t_harris @desmondzik Yes. We make our best guess by looking at where conversion pixels fire and other signals. When we automatically configure the GA account for you, we set all that stuff up - Goals, Site search, etc. Of course, you should double check our work, and you can always change the settings - just like you would if it was the GA account for your own site.
Dejan Gajsek
Absolutely loving the product even though it sounded too good to be true.
Narek Vardanyan
Great idea and product. Trying it now :)
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@narek_vardanyan Awesome! Let us know how it goes.
Candas Demir
@narek_vardanyan can you share your referral link? @mike_roberts_mrspy_
Desmond Popkowski
Does the lack of mobile data get accounted for in the data that we see? For example, let's say there's 1000 sessions, 500 mobile, 500 desktop (in reality). Will the data be closer to 1000 sessions (kind of making up for mobile), or closer to 500 (not accounting for mobile at all)?
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@desmondzik We don't. The reason is that mobile and desktop behavior might be subtly different on some types of sites and extremely different on other sites. I think it's important for you as the user to understand those differences and interpret the data accordingly. We didn't want to muddy the water by making those assumptions for you. The data you see is from live desktop users - and that’s exactly how they appear when you see them.
Joe Sinkwitz
Nacho is awesome; several months ago they let me have access to a premium site (Instagram) for the purposes of determining influencer efficacy. I was really impressed and will let the data speak for itself: https://resources.spyfu.com/meas...
Joe Sinkwitz

I was one of the early beta testers for Nacho and did a webinar with their team on how I ended up using the product; we still use it in-house.


1. Usefulness of data to draw inferences from. 2. Layout is Google Analytics, so no real learning curve.


Just keep gathering data.

Joseph Ayoub
Cons : You don't mention before putting your Credit Card that it doesnt work for less than a million views. Unsubscribed directly.
Zac Harris
@joseph_ayoub @richardcanneman Hey guys! For full transparency, I work at Nacho Analytics. You can use Nacho for sites under a million views, but it may take a *really* long time (for some domains) for data to build up to statistical significance. We've added a countdown to the dashboard for these domains so you know exactly how long it will take before the data is good to go. For example, I ran beanbox.com (under 1M monthly views) and it took about two days for the data to build up.
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@joseph_ayoub @richardcanneman @zac_t_harris I think the wizard tells you something like "choose a website with 1M+ pageviews for immediate results". We put that language in there to get you to think beyond like super-direct, but often smallish competitors. The reason we want to nudge you in the direction of thinking about bigger sites is that during the trial, you want immediate gratification. And, no matter how good of a job we do, a site with 20k pageviews a month is going to look like paint drying. I mean, the paint *will* dry - but it's not very exciting. Put in Amazon, or Yelp, or Netflix. Have your mind blown. Understand the potential. Then, delete it, and then put in your smaller competitor and wait a couple weeks for the data to build up.
Frank Watson

As a digital marketer having insights to where search traffic is going is invaluable


Solid product giving great insights



Graham Gnall
who are they? through what app/extension? >we’ve got millions and millions of users who have agreed to anonymously share their browsing history
Mike Roberts (mrspy)
@ggnall We don't share the *exact* sources because we don't want the data to get polluted. But, there's a *lot* of different sources. You probably haven't heard of them, but you'd be like "oh yeah, that makes sense". None of them would be shocking, or particularly controversial. I used the example of Honey earlier where it's understood that for the product to work, there's going to be significant sharing of browsing data - like that type of thing.
Sven Schmidt
@mike_roberts_mrspy_ Have those users agreed that their data will be used in nacho? Or have they just agreed to share their data with the browser extension? How can I know if I am part of the data? I would like to opt-out. Can you share the sources?