Fun AI-based identity predictor using a given name
Majd Alsado
NameGuessr — Uncover the story behind your name
NameGuessr uses AI to reveal insights about any first name. Simply enter your name and get predictions on nationality, age, and gender. Even more, we give you more info on its meaning, origins, and much more. Helping you uncover the story behind your name!
Majd Alsado
I initially built NameGuessr to learn data crawling and Django. That was a disastrous build, but it worked! This time around, I've rebuilt the entire data model and app from the ground up, unlocking much more interesting insights from the data and also making the app super snappy. I also used this as an opportunity to learn Remix and the "modern" tech stack which was tons of fun. Hope you all enjoy using this and sharing it with your friends, it's lots of fun!
Star Boat
Had lots of fun with NameGuessr - congrats on the launch!