The email to confirm the email address needs some work. I initially didn't remember what NarrowV2 from a name I don't know was. I wasn't about to click just any link. At least throw a logo in there. :)
@sarperdag Hey Sarp! Sorry for the delayed response. It takes a couple days to collect data because we give users a few days to follow. Have you had good results?
Thanks for hunting @bramk!
Narrow was initially created as a way for me to grow my Twitter following without spending hours on Twitter every day. Once I realized it was working, I decided to make it a product. Any constructive feedback is appreciated. If you have an idea that would make the project better, please let me know!
** ProductHunters get 50% off the first 3 months **
@maplethorpej this looks great! I didn't see an option to enter a code and came from the PH link, I'm on a trial and don't see an option to have 50% off or a code? Please and thanks :)
@geekgirlweb@maplethorpej Hey Rebecca. There should be a banner over the "upgrade options" button that indicates that the discount is available. If it's not there, go here, which will set the cookie, and then go back to the dashboard. I hope that helps!
Is it possible to limit the number of tweets that are auto-favorited? I will usually favorite 10 tweets per day, max. So seeing the possibility of 100+ tweets getting favorited in one day makes me uncomfortable.
@maplethorpej I de-authorized the service from Twitter because I wanted to try it with a different Twitter account, but that broke things and now I can't re-authorize anywhere.
@zerodistraction I still need to build that :) What's the account you want to remove? I'll remove it on my end. You'll have to re-sign up, but that won't take long
@maplethorpej It's the same username as my PH handle. By the way, the de-activation feature doesn't seem to do anything (at least not for me in Safari 9).
@zerodistraction It looks like it did deactivate the account, but it didn't reload like it was supposed to. There are some things to work through :) Removing your account now. (Clear your cookies on the domain before signing up again.)
@maplethorpej New issue. Signed up in a private browsing session, but after it tried to redirect me to the Twitter auth page (which didn't load), I refreshed the page. Now I when I sign in I get
@yakha88 These are similar tools but each has different algorithms working in the background. We like to think ours is better ;) We're also very responsive to feedback and push updates out all the time. Thanks for checking it out!
@maplethorpej@yakha88 This is key, "7-day free trial without needing to add a credit card". Too many companies require you to add a CC. Will definitely try this out.
@maplethorpej Isn't it against Twitter TOS to automate follow and favorite actions? How do you manage to stay on the right side of that line? Just curious because I've seen a lot of similar apps like Twitfox getting banned after a couple of months.
Summer Bod 2020